Nolva time frame to combat Gyno?

J steel

New member
In middle of Week 4 of my cycle.....

Wks 1-4 30mg Dbol
Wks 1-10 400mg Cyp
Wks 1-10 400mg EQ

Gains are really coming along now, put on some good quality weight and strength has gone way up this week..................

Unfortunately, I've had some gyno symptoms since last Saturday........I started Nolva from Sunday though today.
Is there a general time frame it takes for the Nolva to stop all symptoms?

I had been taking L-dex .5mg EOD........obviously not enough, so I bumped up to .5mg ED now. I already had a little natural gyno, some puffiness by nips.......had it all my life. The symptoms Im feeling now are just more of a "sensation" by them........not overly itchy or sore at all.........its hard to tell if there is "growth" because theyve always been a little puffy........

This is my first time doing Dbol.........I expected to have a little problem since I am obviously sensitive to question to you I being dumb, should I drop the Dbol immediately? or if its under control and not gettin worse, to continue to pop the Nolva and L-dex and get trhough the rest of teh 100 pills can take me through next Thursday if I stay with it.

Whats everyone's opinion???

BTW.........I freakin love the Dbol! The strength and pumps I am feeling are insane! I didn't know what I was missing ;)
I'd take the nolva at 40 mg/day til symptoms ease. Then I'd continue to run it at 20ed for the remainder of the cycle just to be safe.
Thanks Brock, that was my plan, just curious to see what you guys thought.

I guess Im just concerned that I still feel some tingling..........this is day 4 on the Nolva........I guess I just need to be patient.