Noob here.


New member
Hi all. I'm obviously new to this board but I have a quick question.

I have been weigh training for the last 6 weeks now. I started training beacuse my office just got a well equipped gym. I go five days a week except of course on the weekends. I'm an meso-endo body-type. I was very athletic in high school but a few years of being idle and lazy have left me pretty fatty. I'm 5' 7"and hve fluctuated in weight over the past 3-4 years between 160lbs and 180lbs. My goal is to build muscle and trim down a little bit.

Anyways my question is: I work out to what seems to be my limit everyday. 15 min. of cardio to warm up and then I hit the weights for an hour. I do this on my lunch break. But I'm at the point where after my workout it feels like I haven't done enough. My muscles don't get really sore and I can probably work out the same group of muscles everyday, even though I don't. I feel spent at the end of the workout but I feel like i haven't done enough an hor later. How can I maximize my workouts on limited time?

I'm currently on a diet comparible to a CKD diet. I am also taking Ephedra for an extra boost.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
First welcome to steroidology......

What are you doing for your routine? How do you have your routine split up?
I don't like to go over 1 hour with my weight training. If you do a little searching you should be able to find a good routine on this board.

If you post your current routine I might be able to give you some suggestions.
Thanks for the reply.

I usually do arms, shoulders and stomach one day and then chest,back and legs the other day and alternate. I do 3 sets of 10 reps. I did this routine on my own but I guess there is a bette way to group my wourkouts. Gee, I wish i hit these boards soonner.:(
Welcome as well..........
What are your goals ?
Train 4 days on three off day on one day off.
Concentrate on your form first and foremost before piling on the weight.
Here is a split for you.
Day one -Bench press,incline press.
Db curls ,Hammer curls
Day two
Day three-Bent rows,lat pulldowns.
Close grip bench ,tricep pushdowns
Day four
Day five -Front presses,side laterals
Day six
Day seven-Squats ,stiff legged deads,seated calf raises.
4 sets of ten for each excersise and progressively ad weight for each set.
Hope this helps you bro.
There are some knowledgeable trainers here ,don,t be afraid to ask.
When I started training it was trial end error ,plus injuries from poor form.
I wish these boards where around 15 years would have saved me lots of agro
i prefer the doggcrap training method. it is three days a week BUT BALLS TO THE WALL, AND YOU WILL GET SORE. type it in the search.