New member
Hi everyone!
Okay so I got my hands on some raw powder (20g test-p, 40g NPP, 3grams of masteron-prop) now I'm not trying to make a blend, simply making each of them in 20ml or 10ml vials.
Been reading a lot about homebrewing and so many conflicting things about the supplies I need for all this!
1- If I buy unsterile vials, I would need to wash them in hot soapy water, rinse in hot almost boiling water, rinse in distelled water (temperature doesnt matter?), rinse in alcohol, bake vials by placing them in a pan and into an oven at 350f degrees for 30minuntes (preheated oven??).Vials will stay upside down until they are ready to be filtered with the gear.
Sterile vials of course would come with the rubber stopper so I would only need to purchase
2- a CRIMPER for say FLIP top caps (20mm?) and also I would need flip top cap obviously (20mm).Is a decrimper necessary at all for homebrewing?
3- Should I buy a thermometer to place it in oven to check the degree and as well as when mixing BA/BB/Oil/Powder to check the temp and also stirring using it?
4-Are heat pads required or should I use something like a slow cooker (which could be used in-place of that oven in question 1, correct?)
5- Obviously I would need a good scale, 0.1g vs 0.01g is a huge price jump where I live but if you say 0.01 that's what I will get.
6-What kind of filteration is the EASIEST to use? what exactly is syringe filtering what do I need for this?Just a beaker+?
7-Would it be much better to get a "complete" filteration set like some website around the net,would I need to add anything else to it?
8- Do funnels come into play in any of the homebrewing steps?
9-Are pipettes used for anything in this process to make it easier? (also wtf are they lol) I see little mention of these
Say for example I get sterile vials 10m/20m/100m+2 beakers+slow cooker+syringe filter+syringes and needles (already got these) +crimper for flip top caps and the caps as well+thermometer + sterile oils (yes I know you can filter these I want to make it easier for myself but any advice is more than welcomed! please!) WOULD that be all I need?Would it be THAT much harder than say (what is an easier way that would take less time?from everything I've read about syringe filters is that it can take 45minutes~1 1/2 hours to filter the gear)
Thanks for reading! might have more questions to come for all these vets I want to know what I'm purchasing before anything, and I don't want regrets.Act as if price was not a big issue but if you say the cheaper route is better I'll also go with it.
Okay so I got my hands on some raw powder (20g test-p, 40g NPP, 3grams of masteron-prop) now I'm not trying to make a blend, simply making each of them in 20ml or 10ml vials.
Been reading a lot about homebrewing and so many conflicting things about the supplies I need for all this!
1- If I buy unsterile vials, I would need to wash them in hot soapy water, rinse in hot almost boiling water, rinse in distelled water (temperature doesnt matter?), rinse in alcohol, bake vials by placing them in a pan and into an oven at 350f degrees for 30minuntes (preheated oven??).Vials will stay upside down until they are ready to be filtered with the gear.
Sterile vials of course would come with the rubber stopper so I would only need to purchase
2- a CRIMPER for say FLIP top caps (20mm?) and also I would need flip top cap obviously (20mm).Is a decrimper necessary at all for homebrewing?
3- Should I buy a thermometer to place it in oven to check the degree and as well as when mixing BA/BB/Oil/Powder to check the temp and also stirring using it?
4-Are heat pads required or should I use something like a slow cooker (which could be used in-place of that oven in question 1, correct?)
5- Obviously I would need a good scale, 0.1g vs 0.01g is a huge price jump where I live but if you say 0.01 that's what I will get.
6-What kind of filteration is the EASIEST to use? what exactly is syringe filtering what do I need for this?Just a beaker+?
7-Would it be much better to get a "complete" filteration set like some website around the net,would I need to add anything else to it?
8- Do funnels come into play in any of the homebrewing steps?
9-Are pipettes used for anything in this process to make it easier? (also wtf are they lol) I see little mention of these
Say for example I get sterile vials 10m/20m/100m+2 beakers+slow cooker+syringe filter+syringes and needles (already got these) +crimper for flip top caps and the caps as well+thermometer + sterile oils (yes I know you can filter these I want to make it easier for myself but any advice is more than welcomed! please!) WOULD that be all I need?Would it be THAT much harder than say (what is an easier way that would take less time?from everything I've read about syringe filters is that it can take 45minutes~1 1/2 hours to filter the gear)
Thanks for reading! might have more questions to come for all these vets I want to know what I'm purchasing before anything, and I don't want regrets.Act as if price was not a big issue but if you say the cheaper route is better I'll also go with it.