Not able to swallow Capsules


New member
If you were unable to swallow pills or capsules, would opening the capsule or smashing the pill effect it at all? Would u suspend it in alcohol? Or would breaking it up in some water and drinking it quick work? I have a friend who for some reason cant swallow pills.
If you can swallow food, then you can swallow a pill. Tell you friend to either man up.

If he has a legitimate medical problem, then I'm sure there are options. Many pills can probably be opened up, but it probably need to be determined on a case by case basis.
well hes in the police acadamy right now and hes already a big guy they are on him for testing, in this current matter its superdrol. I told him it shouldnt be a issue dumpin the powder in some water and drinkin it, but wanted to double check. And i didnt think most other orals like dbol, anadrol, Winstrol (winny) would be affected breakin it up.
mattd46612 said:
well hes in the police acadamy right now and hes already a big guy they are on him for testing, in this current matter its superdrol.
mattd46612 said:
I told him it shouldnt be a issue dumpin the powder in some water and drinkin it, but wanted to double check. And i didnt think most other orals like dbol, anadrol, Winstrol (winny) would be affected breakin it up.
Well, that's true.
He claims they test certain people especially early on and certain individuals, so he wants to stick with something legal at the moment. Thanks for the quick response mranak
testing for riods? SD will show up... and seriously those are the smallest damn pills, tell your friend he's a pussy.
As his friend smacks his forehead.

Ohh the irony. Persuing a career in law enforcement. Not knowing the law. Breaking the law. Doug laughs.