Not enough solvent to dissovle tren pellets?


New member
Went with 2.5/7.5 for 4g of component th - making 100mg/ml. This works out to be 3.88ml of solvents total. This has been sitting for almost a full day and I still have little pellet remains floating. I added a good bit of heat and shaking but these bastards wont dissolve. Not really asking a question here, just frustrated as I need this batch for tomorrow. This ever happen to anyone?
put it directly on the eye of the stove and it will dissolve. medium high swirling occassionally. hot plate will work too. if that dont work up the ba to 5% and if that dont work go 7.5%. it will dissolve.
I would never shoot anything with 7.5% ba, my body hates the shit with a passion. Anyways, got it to dissolve at 2.7/7.5 after throwing it on the stove. Making some more prop tomorrow, looking forward to not having to deal with bullshit pellets and drip.......drip................drip............cramp.... filtering
Yeah once those filters start to clog up its hell, the coffee filter really helps in that regard even though it sucks to use.
pellets are a breeze if you know how to use heat correctly. i can have 40g ready for the oven in less than 1 hour. 2 or 3 filters only. i use powder now but started with pellets like most do. powder is cheaper and simplier.
pullinbig said:
pellets are a breeze if you know how to use heat correctly. i can have 40g ready for the oven in less than 1 hour. 2 or 3 filters only. i use powder now but started with pellets like most do. powder is cheaper and simplier.
I actually chose pellets over powder because domestically, (for the 3 or 4 lists ive seen) the price is similar to pellets, and i can have the pellets with a few days, pay with my cc and be done.
pullinbig said:
domestic is higher. much higher. pellets are fine though and work very well.
Your right bro, meant intl. Domestic tren prices are rediculous, and tren E, what is the big fuckin deal about that, the price on that stuff is out of control, tren is tren.
actually tren e can go higher mg but it is about 25% weeker than acetate mg for mg. longer ester accounts for this.