The reason so many people say to stay away from SARMs in pill form is because it is illegal to buy and sell them in pill form (pills imply human consumption so strongly that you are guaranteed to lose in court over it) while it is 100% legal to buy and sell SARMs in liquid form. Pills are much nicer to take since most SARMs taste horrific. But why would a company risk being raided and the owners sent to jail when they can see you SARMs in liquid form and sleep peacefully at night? It makes many people wonder if there are actually and SARMs in the pills at all.
I use SarmsSearch because that is all they do - SARMs. RUI also sells SARMs as well. I use RUI for my ancillary needs and lots of other little things. I figure, use the shop whose main business is the item I want. If you do use Sarms Search, there is a 30% off code for forum members, DICED30. Save some money while buying known good SARMS.
Take note that some people are non-responders to certain things. There are some on this forum who get no results at all when taking GW50, while I literally can feel it working in me. We are all so much alike, yet so different at the same time.