OSTARINE MK-2866 log sponsored by Samrs search/truegrit

day 8:
so i def feel the endurance and strength going up.
i did cardio for 30 minutes today, usually i start losing my breath after 10-15 min but today i did straight 30 mins which is an improvement.
todays workout was shoulders and traps,

2 warm up sets of shoulder presses
Super set:
3 sets of shoulder press 12/10/8( last set i did a drop set )
3 sets of weight front raises (12 reps performed slowly)

3 sets of cable side raises 12-12-10
3 set of bent over side raises 12/10/10
and to finish it off i did 4 sets of rope pulls 15 reps

i think osta is a great harm for endurance, especially for someone who has done AAS such as tren, it really helps you out in the gym, i don't think my strength has gone up the way my endurance has gotten better.

iv been taking only 25mg Everyday, even on no workout days.

The strength increases will come. I am glad to see your endurance is picking up! Great logs...keep up the great work!
day 9:
leg day, i have always hated doing legs.
i feel the rush of extra energy and endurance on my first set, iv also noticed my wait time between sets has decreased tremendously i was in and out within 30 minutes ( i do cardio in the am) i did all my workouts and added an extra workout that i usually don't do (lunges) as a burnout.

so far i have liked osta for what its worth, still waiting on that strength increase tho.
whats up guys, so i haven't hit the gym yet but i wanted to put something out there regarding ostarine, a lot of guys and myself look for logs to see what we will expect using that compound and iv realized everyone reacts differently but some sides affect everyone so ill lay those out.

first week: i started to feel the endurance 5th day into my first week.
a lot of people told me ostarine does not suppress your natural t levels, i beg to differ. i felt my libido drop on the 3rd day, thankfully i had cialis from PSL (thanks to macedog and jozip) which i was taking at 10mg Eod and since day 3 of starting Astatine i have upped the dose to 10mg Ed to help with loss of libido

Im into my day 10 (second week): the Cons of ostarine i have noticed are, total body recomp, loss of bf , Endurance has went up like crazy, strength is going up but not as much as you would expect from AAS or maybe as a previous AAs user I' have my expectations to high; which is why i won't comment on the strength as I'm happy with the overall results I'm getting Minus the Suppression. the last thing ill add is quality of sleep and mood also have gotten somewhat better.
i hope this helps any newbie or someone looking into doing sarms.
day 9:
leg day, i have always hated doing legs.
i feel the rush of extra energy and endurance on my first set, iv also noticed my wait time between sets has decreased tremendously i was in and out within 30 minutes ( i do cardio in the am) i did all my workouts and added an extra workout that i usually don't do (lunges) as a burnout.

so far i have liked osta for what its worth, still waiting on that strength increase tho.

Uhh...leg days = worst days, lol. Naw, they're not that bad...but not by any means my favorite day. So, day 9 and you're waiting on that "Fuck Yeah" feeling..I get you. I actually started a triple stack of Ostarine, GW & Mk677 6 days ago, and damn...I'm absolutely loving this! Your time is coming soon...I know it!
has anyone added clen with OStarine?
i have about 10 days left of Mk2866 so i thinking of adding clen to burn some extra fat, jumping on a cycle after the 10 days.
any advice would be great, thanks
whats up guys, so i haven't hit the gym yet but i wanted to put something out there regarding ostarine, a lot of guys and myself look for logs to see what we will expect using that compound and iv realized everyone reacts differently but some sides affect everyone so ill lay those out.

first week: i started to feel the endurance 5th day into my first week.
a lot of people told me ostarine does not suppress your natural t levels, i beg to differ. i felt my libido drop on the 3rd day, thankfully i had cialis from PSL (thanks to macedog and jozip) which i was taking at 10mg Eod and since day 3 of starting Astatine i have upped the dose to 10mg Ed to help with loss of libido

Im into my day 10 (second week): the Cons of ostarine i have noticed are, total body recomp, loss of bf , Endurance has went up like crazy, strength is going up but not as much as you would expect from AAS or maybe as a previous AAs user I' have my expectations to high; which is why i won't comment on the strength as I'm happy with the overall results I'm getting Minus the Suppression. the last thing ill add is quality of sleep and mood also have gotten somewhat better.
i hope this helps any newbie or someone looking into doing sarms.

I definitely appreciate your honesty bro...that is what these logs are for! So, I'm assuming you took Sat and will take Sun off? Any updates from your last entry?
Uhh...leg days = worst days, lol. Naw, they're not that bad...but not by any means my favorite day. So, day 9 and you're waiting on that "Fuck Yeah" feeling..I get you. I actually started a triple stack of Ostarine, GW & Mk677 6 days ago, and damn...I'm absolutely loving this! Your time is coming soon...I know it!

one thing i keep mentioning is the endurance, its incredible. i would def recommend it to anyone who used tren because i know how hard tren can be on your endurance.
No, I am on Ostarine, GW50 & MK677...currently and the GW50 is equivalent to some liquid nitro speed or something, lol. It's fantastic!

i def need to look into all these and see how i can incorporate them to best help me ON a cycle.
Sounds like a fun cycle you got lined up you running ace or e, and test e/c or prop throw in some gw see how it helps with endurance I would think it would make all the difference and help with lipids also
Sounds like a fun cycle you got lined up you running ace or e, and test e/c or prop throw in some gw see how it helps with endurance I would think it would make all the difference and help with lipids also
thanks bro, yeah iv been waiting a while to get on the Tren-train, had to drop it last time. I'm doing test E/ Tren A ( in case i need to drop it again) and var for 8 weeks.
i will def look into GW and order form sarmsearh.
thanks brother
thanks bro, yeah iv been waiting a while to get on the Tren-train, had to drop it last time. I'm doing test E/ Tren A ( in case i need to drop it again) and var for 8 weeks.
i will def look into GW and order form sarmsearh.
thanks brother

Absolutely GW50 with that cocktail! You'll be ripped to shreds man!

week 3 :
Weight: 178

after two weeks of sarms, i have noticed in hardened muscles, somewhat vascularity increase, obv the endurance which i said 10 times already, strength i still don't feel that of increase that most people claim, the stomachaches are gone, lost 3 pounds and i think i lost somewhat Bf as well, i feel more defined and have a tighter look than when i started. i was thinking of adding clen but I'm getting decent results with Ostarine so i decided not to add it

workout: Back and Light biceps
warm up with pull ups and straight arm pull down ( kind of a superset between the two) pull up reps are as many as i can but the pull downs i keep em between 12-15 reps

bent over barbell rows, 4 sets of 12-10-10-8
lat pulls downs 3 sets of 10-12-15
close grip Rows 3 sets of 8-10-12 ( i try to incorporate 3j's reverse pyramid technique, which has helped me a lot in increasing my strength you guys can check out what i mean at the link I'm about to post i hope I'm not breaking any rules guys , if i am then mods can delete it http://www.steroidology.com/forum/training-forum/666518-3j-s-reverse-pyramid-training-philosophy.html
3 sets of t bar rows 15-12-10
i skipped deadlifts as i was late for work but i will do them on leg day
last workout is usually a burnout, reverse pull ups on smith machine( honestly don't know the name of this workout) 3 sets till failure.

dumbbell curls 4 sets of 12-10-8-12
hammer curls 3 sets of 10-10-10

skipped cardio as well but i will do that tonight once I'm home.

i'll keep ya guys updated :)