Trevdog said:
I have a spodylosis/spondylolisthesis at L4. I was probably born with it but had no symptoms until I was hit by a car while riding a bike. I received all kinds of treatment, physical therapy, epidural steroid injections, massages, tens stimulation, chiropractic adjustments.
I got the most relief from the chiro.
oh and im sure you know this, but this is for everyone else.
When it comes to conditions like spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis, NOBODY on earth can absoutely fix the problem. Those are fractures to your lamina (part of your posterior arch of your veterbal body) as well as spina bifida (incomplete fusion of the lamina during prenatal development)
what chiropractors can do is allow you to function at your best with those conditions. Also preventing any damage or contact to your spinal cord (your nerves that run down your spine) which is life threatening.
so i will be the first to admit chiros will never be able to fuse back those parts of your vertebral bodies
only one who would surgically go into your back and use some sort of fusion technique (metal plates, etc) can fix that 100%
but no medical doctor will do that in their right mind. they already know they CANT do the procedure safely. Too close to your spinal cord. They will 9 times out of 10 paralyze you, or even worse kill you.
just had to make all of this clear. I do not want anybody misinterpreting my statements as if I were on some soap box.
just sharing my knowledge and allowing others to see that there are always safer and better options than putting blind faith into the medical profession-- a profession who's sole philosophy is to stop symptoms, not the source.
Why? because people will always get symptoms and obviously become repeat customers. Stopping the source of the problem, and that MD wont see you again, thus losing money.