Not Growing Anymore? Progress Slowed?

Mudge said:
I think Ronnie sees a chiro twice a week.

yep and Franco is a DC out in california.

And Arnold is the #1 supporter of chiropractic--now THIS guy believes in all that so called "bullshit" about chiropractic.

The arnold classic has been a major forum every year for chiropractic (for any of you that have gone i'm sure you have noticed the big involvement of the ICA)

he has spoken on behalf many times as a true celebrity spokesman for the International Chiropractic Organization and preaches about the prevention of injury and illness for health, the health of the spin, the musculoskeletal philosphy of health, and says a lot of other great things for the profession.

I would think it would be very interesting for some of you to read a monthly magazine called "today's chiropractic" which features athletes on the cover and has their personal story about chiropractic and how it has affected their professional careers.

i swear, its like looking at a sports illustrated at first glance. All of the world's top professional athletes seek chiropractic care daily.
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house1 said:
kak, just want to say its nice to have you here. you have alot of great input bro

thanks. i have always tried to be a help with my knowledge and i'm always willing to learn more and more each day.

i've been on another infamous board and all i got was flamed for being who i am and sometimes stupid racial remarks. Doesnt really bother me but its frustrating when i'm just offering and trying to share as well as gain knowledge.

but thanks bro i like it here a lot. im glad people can learn something from me and i hope to learn a lot from many of you.
KAK, androgenic steroids like fina and masteron are supposed to increase CNS activity. Do you think this would help a little bit in increasing muscle mass?

I have a slight tremor ever since I can remmebr, even as a kid. I can hold a cup of water but it would shake as if I was nervous when Im not nervous at all. When Im eating with a girl, they notice that my fingers shake for no reason. Ive always wondered wtf is wrong. Im only 25. Sometimes I think I will get parkinsons when I get older, like Michael J Fox.
next question... how do you pick a good Chiropractor; is there something i should be looking for? i'm definately going to get into see one next week.
Great thread!!

Okay I've got two questions Kak:

1) My back arches a lot! My belly kinda protrudes out as a result. I've read that it may be lordosis. Are you familiar with this and if so, how would I go about correcting it??

2) My head often feels "heavy"... like I have to think about keeping it up. It feels like it falls forwards at times and is difficult to "keep up on its own".... you have any idea why I'm like this??

Thanks for any help!!
tyhigs said:
KAK, androgenic steroids like fina and masteron are supposed to increase CNS activity. Do you think this would help a little bit in increasing muscle mass?

I have a slight tremor ever since I can remmebr, even as a kid. I can hold a cup of water but it would shake as if I was nervous when Im not nervous at all. When Im eating with a girl, they notice that my fingers shake for no reason. Ive always wondered wtf is wrong. Im only 25. Sometimes I think I will get parkinsons when I get older, like Michael J Fox.

yes, fina and masteron and halo increase CNS activity..but usually cns activity is directly related to strength increases.

indirectly it has to work with your endocrine system for mass gains.

that is why many people add an anabolic when using fina for mass gain, and use a heavy androgen when using Winstrol (winny) or primo for strength gain to further induce mass gain.
GearTripper said:
next question... how do you pick a good Chiropractor; is there something i should be looking for? i'm definately going to get into see one next week.

call around and see what kind of practice they have.

ask if they do musculoskeletal therapy and extremity adjusting as well has focus on the musculoskeletal system (specifically on athletes)

ask where they wentto school..if its Sherman then do not go to them as that is a "straight" chiro school which means usually their graduates do not focus on anything else but the spine.
Hey Mister said:
Great thread!!

Okay I've got two questions Kak:

1) My back arches a lot! My belly kinda protrudes out as a result. I've read that it may be lordosis. Are you familiar with this and if so, how would I go about correcting it??

2) My head often feels "heavy"... like I have to think about keeping it up. It feels like it falls forwards at times and is difficult to "keep up on its own".... you have any idea why I'm like this??

Thanks for any help!!

hyperlordosis. very common (usually in pregnant women but oh well) and yes chiro's can help bring back your correct curvature in your spine.

remember, we're speaking of HYPERLORDOSIS, not lordosis. every body has a lordotic curve at the bottom of their backs.

and the thing about your head could be a musculature problem. you have about 10 muscles that hold your head up and move it around, extend, flex, etc.

as your chiro about it..could be a i've stated in some posts above.

Remember folks, any muscle pain or weakness is due to a NERVE PROBLEM.

Forced feeding. Hard gainers- imagine every meal is your last. If you can keep up with the kind of food intake I mean, and don't care about getting fat just big, then watch your bench go up up up.

Anadrol (my favourite steroid) and test ought to be thrown in. Do at least 100mg a day of drol. 50mg is a waste of time - anadrol is effective at 1-2mg per kg of bodyweight, and take it for at least 6-7 weeks at min 100mg per day, then taper off to 50mg a day and even 25mg a day. Avoid nolva while on. Take clomid instead. Then take nolva and clomid post-cycle.
Just my .02.
I have some comments on chiropractors.

I think they get a bum rap. The medical profession especially gives little respect to chiropractors, and I believe that much of the reason is that chiros and M.D.s to some extent compete for the same treatment dollars.

Some chiropractors exaggerate what they can do for you. They claim that they can cure every ill. This is part of the reason why the profession doesn't get the respect it deserves.

I have a spodylosis/spondylolisthesis at L4. I was probably born with it but had no symptoms until I was hit by a car while riding a bike. I received all kinds of treatment, physical therapy, epidural steroid injections, massages, tens stimulation, chiropractic adjustments.

I got the most relief from the chiro.
i agree. some chiro's get this belief that they can "cure" but they have the whole message wrong.

to show symptoms is to be healthy. symptoms is our body's own intelligence to signal to brain that "hey something wrong is going on"

fever and pain are the two most malpracticed, misdiagnosed entities in the medical profession. even the general public do not understand that these things happen in HEALTHY people.

If you are healthy, with a proper functioning CNS and immune system, fever will come about to literally cook up the infecting bacteria/virus to death. without fever, these parasitic organisms can continue to live and grow, worsening the condition. that is why i have never understood symptom suppressing drugs being so popular.

pain is also the only way your nervous system can tell your brain that something is wrong. if you had a hairline fracture in your leg and never had sensory axons signaling that there is pain, you would continue to walk on it and walk on it until one day you give yourself a compound fracture! the point is to find the cause of your pain so that the condition cannot become worse (in this case preventing a hairline fracture into becoming a severey dehabilitating condition!)

its not about curing or anything. you are correct and those chiro's who claim that are just trying to use the medical profession's technique to lure in patients. Instead of telling and explaining the truth, these so called chiro's will play the same game to compete for patients/money with medical doctors.

what it IS about is allowing your god given (or natural evolutionary--if you dont believe in creation) genetics to heal the body by using the intelligence that created us in the first place.

Using the medical health care system is like getting a person who paints cars to fix the engine and mechanical make up of your car.

yeah they can cover up the scratches caused by your wreck and that wreck being caused by a mechanical malfunction in your car, but which is more cost efficient and obviously makes more sense?

The car painter? or a automobile enginer?
Trevdog said:

I have a spodylosis/spondylolisthesis at L4. I was probably born with it but had no symptoms until I was hit by a car while riding a bike. I received all kinds of treatment, physical therapy, epidural steroid injections, massages, tens stimulation, chiropractic adjustments.

I got the most relief from the chiro.

oh and im sure you know this, but this is for everyone else.

When it comes to conditions like spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis, NOBODY on earth can absoutely fix the problem. Those are fractures to your lamina (part of your posterior arch of your veterbal body) as well as spina bifida (incomplete fusion of the lamina during prenatal development)

what chiropractors can do is allow you to function at your best with those conditions. Also preventing any damage or contact to your spinal cord (your nerves that run down your spine) which is life threatening.

so i will be the first to admit chiros will never be able to fuse back those parts of your vertebral bodies

only one who would surgically go into your back and use some sort of fusion technique (metal plates, etc) can fix that 100%

but no medical doctor will do that in their right mind. they already know they CANT do the procedure safely. Too close to your spinal cord. They will 9 times out of 10 paralyze you, or even worse kill you.

just had to make all of this clear. I do not want anybody misinterpreting my statements as if I were on some soap box.

just sharing my knowledge and allowing others to see that there are always safer and better options than putting blind faith into the medical profession-- a profession who's sole philosophy is to stop symptoms, not the source.

Why? because people will always get symptoms and obviously become repeat customers. Stopping the source of the problem, and that MD wont see you again, thus losing money.
Kakdiesel said:

Why? because people will always get symptoms and obviously become repeat customers. Stopping the source of the problem, and that MD wont see you again, thus losing money.

Actually, that is one concern I have about going to a chiro. It's one thing to have an acute problem and have it fixed (I am all in favor of that), but I don't like the idea of having to go in on a regular basis, yet that seems to be the way it usually works out. Shouldn't the effect of an adjustment last for a longer time -- at least a couple of months? If not, that suggests to me that the underlying problem is not being addressed.

Kak, don't get me wrong. I am not putting down your discipline, I am just trying to understand what I can expect to gain from treatment, and which expectations are unreasonable.