Not recovered yet after pct


New member
Hello guys I have a problem and I would like to ask for some advises since I am not that experienced like you. I finished my cycle of
D-bol 50mg ED
Clen 40mg Ed
Test 1,5ml every 2 days
Boldonone 1,5ml every 2 days
After the first 4 weeks I also added
Winstrol 50mg ED for 4weeks....also I have to tell that at my starter pack also used tren but I stopped it since my body didn't accepted it... Anyway....I had sex a lot with my new gf and all was amazing......something happened and I stop going to gym occasionally while on cycle taking my roads ed....a little before my cycle gonna end I tried to have sex but nothing, something was wrong.... I stopped the cycle and I started pct in a rush.....
Clomid 50mg ED
Nolvadex 20mg Ed
Ovitrele hgc 6000ui it was like 1000ui every 2 days... Ovitrele already finished and now I am at day 16 and I really don't have an election.. And when I have its not that hard... I didn't went to doc yet for some blood test...and j don't know if it is psychological. I started to take vitamins too....some friends told me to take zinc,Maca and DAA too.....plz guys don't judge for my reckless moves.... I am 23yold and I don't know what to do to come back to normal. Plz help!
Wow, this chemical stew you call a cycle is a complete train wreck. So many compounds, no clear info on doses or durations, really long esters, tren, no AI or blood testing mentioned, WTF???

List out the concentration of your boldenone you took at 1.5ml E2D and for how long, that is most likely the culprit that has you shut down and your PCT failing. Also the type of test - concentration and ester.

Estrogen and lack of AI is probably what killed your erections. This is the hardest thing to understand and manage, and as you are seeing has the most potential for nasty impact to your quality of life.

Depending on total amount of boldenone taken you might have many weeks to wait until you can even start a PCT with a hope of succeeding.
tankman said it above, this is a train wreck as you are giving us no accurate details on dosages. get bloodworks done asap.
Guys the only I remember about Boldonone is that it was 250mg in 10ml.... Companies name was "Kohoh".....test's type was susta.... All of em except winny I took em for 2 month or a little more......I stoped taking em around 2-3 weeks before they finish cause of the symptoms!!
I've got to agree with the above posts.

You started taking a Boat Load of Different Compounds.
And I don't see any AI mentioned.

So just off the top of my head, it sounds like your Estrogen is Elevated, so you lost your Libido.
And instead of taking an AI.
You made matters worse by taking HCG @ 1,000 Iu's every 2 days.
Which just made your Estrogen go even higher.

But it would be helpful, if we knew the Exact Dosages.
As 1.5 Ml doesn't mean anything, the Compounds come in Different Concentration amounts, or Mg/Ml.................. JP
Guys the only I remember about Boldonone is that it was 250mg in 10ml.... Companies name was "Kohoh".....test's type was susta.... All of em except winny I took em for 2 month or a little more......I stoped taking em around 2-3 weeks before they finish cause of the symptoms!!

symptoms!?! you mean sides.
Ok, so for just the boldenone at 1.5ml E2D - 325mg E2D for 8 weeks your blood levels look like this:

View attachment 567107

You see the blood levels rising as you are injecting up to the end of week #8, then they start to bleed down according to a 15 day half life. The level drops to 15ish at week #16. This level is roughly equal to the amount of test your body would naturally produce assuming you make 10mg of test per day. Above that level you are 100% suppressed, below that level you are partially suppressed until it bleeds down to zero.

So, doing any kind of PCT now is f***tless. Taking the clomid and nolva will cause you to produce some natural test and keep things working, but as soon as you stop you'll be shutdown once again - unless you wait 8 weeks after last shot to start PCT.

Assuming you waited that 8 weeks and PCT'd, you would probably want to run PCT for 6 weeks, which would get you three more half lives. That would bleed that 15mg level 15>7.5>3.75>1.875. At that point 14 weeks after your last shot it would be all but gone, and hopefully the nolva and clomid you ran for weeks 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 would do their thing.

So to answer your question, you need to buy more PCT drugs and get the timing right. You should also be taking an AI right now. And you might want to get some more HCG so you can run it during weeks 15 and 16 - you will have been shut down for 16 weeks so running HCG will improve your chances of recovery.
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Ok, so for just the boldenone at 1.5ml E2D - 325mg E2D for 8 weeks your blood levels look like this:

View attachment 567107

You see the blood levels rising as you are injecting up to the end of week #8, then they start to bleed down according to a 15 day half life. The level drops to 15ish at week #16. This level is roughly equal to the amount of test your body would naturally produce assuming you make 10mg of test per day. Above that level you are 100% suppressed, below that level you are partially suppressed until it bleeds down to zero.

So, doing any kind of PCT now is f***tless. Taking the clomid and nolva will cause you to produce some natural test and keep things working, but as soon as you stop you'll be shutdown once again - unless you wait 8 weeks after last shot to start PCT.

Assuming you waited that 8 weeks and PCT'd, you would probably want to run PCT for 6 weeks, which would get you three more half lives. That would bleed that 15mg level 15>7.5>3.75>1.875. At that point 14 weeks after your last shot it would be all but gone, and hopefully the nolva and clomid you ran for weeks 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 would do their thing.

So to answer your question, you need to buy more PCT drugs and get the timing right. You should also be taking an AI right now. And you might want to get some more HCG so you can run it during weeks 15 and 16 - you will have been shut down for 16 weeks so running HCG will improve your chances of recovery.
Ok so I have to wait one month since I start my new pct again?? What drug should I use again?? Clomid??nolvadex??again?same Dosages? 1clomid morning and 1 nolvadex night??
And what AI should I use and when?? Also about hgc how many ui and what days? Thanks tank
Ok so I have to wait one month since I start my new pct again?? What drug should I use again?? Clomid??nolvadex??again?same Dosages? 1clomid morning and 1 nolvadex night??
And what AI should I use and when?? Also about hgc how many ui and what days? Thanks tank

tankman is the man, hes got you listen to him, hope it gets worked out for you bro.
Ok so I have to wait one month since I start my new pct again?? What drug should I use again?? Clomid??nolvadex??again?same Dosages? 1clomid morning and 1 nolvadex night??
And what AI should I use and when?? Also about hgc how many ui and what days? Thanks tank

I don't know when you stopped and where you are today, so can't comment on waiting one month. You can add 8 weeks to your last shot to figure out the date to start PCT.

You could use clomid at 50/50/50/50/25/25 and nolva at 40/40/40/20/20/20. That should be plenty.

For HCG it is fairly typical after a long run to inject 1000 IU ED in the final 10 days leading up to start of PCT, so figure out when to start PCT and back up 10 days.

For AI if you get exemastane you could take 12.5mg ED for a while then cut to EOD. You took such a stew of chemicals and I don't know when you stopped, so can't be any more clear on that. If you get arimidex instead 0.5 mg EOD for a while then cut to 0.25 mg EOD. Again that's nothing more then guesswork, you'd have to adjust based on how you feel for estrogen sides and better yet based on blood testing. When you start PCT stop taking any AI.
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I don't know when you stopped and where you are today, so can't comment on waiting one month. You can add 8 weeks to your last shot to figure out the date to start PCT.

You could use clomid at 50/50/50/50/25/25 and nolva at 40/40/40/20/20/20. That should be plenty.

For HCG it is fairly typical after a long run to inject 1000 IU ED in the final 10 days leading up to start of PCT, so figure out when to start PCT and back up 10 days.

For AI if you get exemastane you could take 12.5mg ED for a while then cut to EOD. You took such a stew of chemicals and I don't know when you stopped, so can't be any more clear on that. If you get arimidex instead 0.5 mg EOD for a while then cut to 0.25 mg EOD. Again that's nothing more then guesswork, you'd have to adjust based on how you feel for estrogen sides and better yet based on blood testing. When you start PCT stop taking any AI.
im impressed tank.. good post
Tank really thanks for your advices.....I will try this and I will tell you about the results....I will also meet my endo doctor
So I can have his opinion too!! I will inform you for the results.. Thanks!!!
Tank really thanks for your advices.....I will try this and I will tell you about the results....I will also meet my endo doctor
So I can have his opinion too!! I will inform you for the results.. Thanks!!!

Hows it going with this bro, did you make the adjustments to your pct?