not sure about this yet!!!!!!!!!


New member

hey everyone,
i am new to the community , but i have read many threads and i figured this was a good source of info. I have never taken steroids before but i recently started. Three weeks ago to be exact. I am currently stacking dbol and winstrol (orals) 30 mg of each per day. In addition to that i am taking Test cypionate and equipoise at the rate of 1mg each per week. My question is what am i supposed to feel ? I have been working out very hard and my diet is excellent. I do feel stronger in the gym (but i cant help but think its psychological) i guess i expected these miraculous gains rapidly. If anyone can clue me in to what effects i may be feeling but just not fully recognizing i would really appreciate it. Also according to my source this particular stack should yield tremendous gains. Do you all agree?


trophyhunter said:
In addition to that i am taking Test cypionate and equipoise at the rate of 1mg each per week.

1mg would be kinda impossible. usually it's taken around 500mg each every week. (depending on cycle experience of course)

But i hope you don't mean you take a gram a week as a first cycle. That would be crazy.
Welcome to the Board.

What are your current stats?

I'm guessing you meant 1ml, oppose to 1mg.

Who recommended the compounds you're running?

Are you taking any other drugs to combat estro sides?

What brand gear do you have? don't say where you got... just mention the brand.

The only thing I can recommmend at this point is; whoever's the one that's advising you.... stop listening to them right now. Also, discontinue use with the Stan, D-bol, and EQ. Just run test.... if you absolutely feel as if though you have to take an oral, run the D-bol@30mgs ED.

Once you've answered the questions listed we'll have a much better idea which direction would the safest.
yes it is 1 ml sorry. not sure of the brand because it has labels but no manufacturer names. My friend is a big bodybuilder as are all of his friends and hes has been using on and off for 20 years. He says these are quality homebrewed steroids. As for the estro sides i am taking liquid arimidex. i do feel certain differences, for instance i usually have alot of back pain , it is now gone. I also do feel stronger in the gym plus i get a real good pump in the gym, but i havent for say gotten big yet by any means.(muscle mass)I am taking the d-bol and winstrol oral 30 mg each per day. One thing sux tho i got two bottles of oral 100 pills each but i am taking three of each per day wich makes this only a 30 day cycvle or so , is that enough? If not i am screwed i cant get the orals anymore he no longer can get them. i weighed 190 when i started 3 weeks ago and have not weighed in again, i can say i might be heavier cause my appetite has been outrageous, i am eatin g like a monster.
