Not sure if test is bunk or not


New member
I'm currently on day 9 of my 500mg a week of test e cycle and 75mg of tren eod. (Not adding tren until day 14 of test e cycles also 10 weeks long) basically I've went from 6"3 215 pounds to 225 pounds. I have yet to notice any strength gains or any real extra energy on sets. I'm aware it's only day 9 but can anyone reassure me of whether or not the test is bunk? My diet is relatively clean and nothing has really changed other than I see face and stomach bloating already and maybe an extra rep on certain excercises if i'm lucky.

Also the test e i'm running is made by Lufsen Rx not sure if that's a good or bad thing. :p
Your not gonna notice anything this soon so its impossible to know. Best bet what I do for piece of mind wait a few weeks pay $50 and get blood work
Nah my tren is acetate so I should notice it fairly quick but it's not being added for another 5 days because I was told tren ace shuts you down hard and to let the test e get in you're body.
Nope this is my first real cycle and I didn't realize that the bloating or water retention would be this bad. I'm looking into getting some arimidex or will it be too late into the cycle to add it?
order some from RUI tonight. If you choose quick ship it will be there quick. It will help with bloat and keep you from getting gyno. Do you have pct yet?
Yeah I have nolva on hand since originally I was planning on just running test e @ 500mg a week but a few of my buddies were running tren ace so I figured i'd grab a bottle of that and just do 75mg eod from week 2-7 of my ten week cycle. So now I have to get some other pct along with nolva because everywhere I look nolva and tren don't work that well together.
Never ever run a cycle without Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at least on hand. I highly recommend blood work like a month or so I went in for labs my estro was 853 extremely high I then realized my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) was bunk. Its a good habit and very important to do blood work and figure out what works for you.
I'm still not sure if i'll even get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) because i'd rather get the best results and if I get rid of water retention wouldn't that effect the muscle growth and strength gains?
You need liquidex to control estrogen. You need clomid for post cycle therapy (pct). and you shouldn't run tren on your first cycle. If you do you need caber so you don't lactate. But test only first cycle will get you good gains. You can always save tren for next time.
And I may be talking out of my ass but i'm new to cycles and what not so all opinions are taken into consideration because you only have one body and I want to do things right.
Yeah i'm still not sure if i'll add the tren or not as i'm aware I should try different compounds before I go to tren because apparently after I do tren nothing will be the same. But my friend did the same cycle i'm doing and the only side he got was night sweats and his temper increased abit but other than that he didn't even run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) I guess he was just lucky? And for his pct he also only ran nolva.

But as for my original question bunk test wouldn't give me 10pds of water retention in 9 days would it? Could it be underdosed or do you think I shouldn't really be too worried until later weeks as it is a long esther.
And I may be talking out of my ass but i'm new to cycles and what not so all opinions are taken into consideration because you only have one body and I want to do things right.

Tren is not recommended for new users at all. If you are dead set on doing it take a small test drive 75mg eod for the last 5 weeks. Tren can be ruff and make you feel shitty at times the strength and gains are great but its not for everyone. Ive done tren about 3 or 4 times now and I stopped before cycle ended its just not for me im a real asshole on it because of the insomnia. Do test only bro if you start getting gyno sides your gonna be fucked because your not prepared.
This is my first cycle so i'm just being sceptical is all maybe I had higher hopes and thought by day 9 i'd have noticed something other than bloating and a little more of a pump. But I guess i'll just wait it out and see.