Not sure if test is bunk or not

This is my first cycle so i'm just being sceptical is all maybe I had higher hopes and thought by day 9 i'd have noticed something other than bloating and a little more of a pump. But I guess i'll just wait it out and see.

My first cycle I thought I was gonna get all big and shredded lol I was thinking peoe at work were gonna notice its not magic you have to train hard and eat right diet is what I struggle on. It takes time to meet your goals its not gonna happen in 1 cycle believe me.
Yeah I figured this much I just hit a plateau naturally and I figured i'd do a cycle to get through it my diets pretty decent. And I just sent my supplier a message about an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) if he has one i'll grab one.
Don't come to this forum crying when you have gyno if your not gunna take our advice and get an AI..:laugh:
I won't it'll be my own mistake but at the moment I am trying to get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). But if I can't then I guess I can't and i'll have to deal with gyno or whatever else comes along.
at least run nolvadex through your cycle if your not going to use a aromatase inhibitor. Side effects happen quick man! they can happen over night. That is why I can proudly say I have learned my lesson of starting a cycle before I have a Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand!
I'm currently on day 9 of my 500mg a week of test e cycle and 75mg of tren eod. (Not adding tren until day 14 of test e cycles also 10 weeks long) basically I've went from 6"3 215 pounds to 225 pounds. I have yet to notice any strength gains or any real extra energy on sets. I'm aware it's only day 9 but can anyone reassure me of whether or not the test is bunk? My diet is relatively clean and nothing has really changed other than I see face and stomach bloating already and maybe an extra rep on certain excercises if i'm lucky.

Also the test e i'm running is made by Lufsen Rx not sure if that's a good or bad thing. :p

Nah my tren is acetate so I should notice it fairly quick but it's not being added for another 5 days because I was told tren ace shuts you down hard and to let the test e get in you're body.

Nope this is my first real cycle and I didn't realize that the bloating or water retention would be this bad. I'm looking into getting some arimidex or will it be too late into the cycle to add it?

I'm still not sure if i'll even get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) because i'd rather get the best results and if I get rid of water retention wouldn't that effect the muscle growth and strength gains?

And I may be talking out of my ass but i'm new to cycles and what not so all opinions are taken into consideration because you only have one body and I want to do things right.

buahahaha dude you seriously never researched anything..... do you even know what high estrogen does? you worried bout pro lactin?, running tren first cycle... LOL sorry bud but you gotta stop taking test and throw it all out, dont need to pct if ur only a few days in...

i repeat

Whoa, a serious post from Dennis. It the zombie apocalypse already?

Hey OP: There are worse things than growing boobies when you skimp on that Aromatase inhibitor (AI) my man. If you think the bloat is bad, imagine what that cancer-causing hormone estradiol is doing to your prostate. ;)

Click on that red lion at the top of your screen, pick up the liquidex for your research subjects, start a dose of .25mg EOD and thank us for saving you from making a tremendous mistake. :)
10 lbs in 9 days and your worried your test is bunk? What's wrong with you? Lol. 10lbs is a great start for only 9 days. You are not going to get jacked off one cycle. Don't forget the importance of eating 6 meals a day with lots of water to pack on the size. The better the food and the harder you train the more quality the gains. Persistence is key. This is not a sprint. I too thought I would get ripped and jacked from my first cycle. Boy was I disappointed! LOL. Anti estrogen like everyone is saying is def a smart idea.
10 lbs in 9 days and your worried your test is bunk? What's wrong with you? Lol. 10lbs is a great start for only 9 days. You are not going to get jacked off one cycle. Don't forget the importance of eating 6 meals a day with lots of water to pack on the size. The better the food and the harder you train the more quality the gains. Persistence is key. This is not a sprint. I too thought I would get ripped and jacked from my first cycle. Boy was I disappointed! LOL. Anti estrogen like everyone is saying is def a smart idea.

Secret message received. Also: Good advice!
Don't do Tren. See how test reacts with you. Standard first cycle is test only and generally enanthate or cypionate. Be patient and you will start to notice around start of week 5 then by week 6 bam you will def know your juicing. Next few weeks you may feel increased libido and sense of well being. They always come first. Take an AI, aromasin to start every third day minimum. Also get your bloods done half way, 2.5 weeks post last injection prior to pct first dose then lastly at end of pct. You should be doing 250 iu twice a week of hcg during cycle and pct clomid 100/100/50/50 nolva 40/40/20/20. Do it right as the people on here aren't idiots they know their shit. If your gonna ask for advice then take it and utilize it properly. Good luck.
Your not gonna notice anything this soon so its impossible to know. Best bet what I do for piece of mind wait a few weeks pay $50 and get blood work

y'know, this is an interesting point. I have read and heard from my friends this opinion that u won't notice anything until 16 -20 days of using gear.
I have to say I think this , as a generalization, is BS IMO.

I have run a 2mth, 4 mth, and a 5 mth cycle(150mg test e every 4 days) as well as several very short cycles(4 or 5 weeks), and I have always noticed many things VERY quickly. Usually around 8 days I start to notice muscle gains beginning and increased libido. In fact, days 7-21 are usually my favourite days of the whole cycle :)
And my gains were always noticed by others commenting as well.
Some people might say that this is a placebo type effect but I couldn't disagree more.

I guess my point is that I kinda feel either lucky and a bit sad for those who I read about not knowing if their gear is real at 3 weeks in.
I'm guessing that some of these people must UG lab gear and it is severely under dosed?
Ive almost always used pharmacy grade test though.

Not everyone is the same and if there is anything in this world that is NOT a one size fits all it is dealing with hormones. And some people like myself ,I guess, just respond quicker to gear even at low doses.

I would b interested to hear if anybody else has the same experience with gear taking effect quicker than others cuz I'm kinda confused about others' delayed response but I also feel kinda lucky with how well I respond each time.

And OP , u definitely need an AI. But don't stress about it too much yet. As long as you get some in the next week or 2 you'll be fine IMO.
y'know, this is an interesting point. I have read and heard from my friends this opinion that u won't notice anything until 16 -20 days of using gear.
I have to say I think this , as a generalization, is BS IMO.

I have run a 2mth, 4 mth, and a 5 mth cycle(150mg test e every 4 days) as well as several very short cycles(4 or 5 weeks), and I have always noticed many things VERY quickly. Usually around 8 days I start to notice muscle gains beginning and increased libido. In fact, days 7-21 are usually my favourite days of the whole cycle :)
And my gains were always noticed by others commenting as well.
Some people might say that this is a placebo type effect but I couldn't disagree more.

I guess my point is that I kinda feel either lucky and a bit sad for those who I read about not knowing if their gear is real at 3 weeks in.
I'm guessing that some of these people must UG lab gear and it is severely under dosed?
Ive almost always used pharmacy grade test though.

Not everyone is the same and if there is anything in this world that is NOT a one size fits all it is dealing with hormones. And some people like myself ,I guess, just respond quicker to gear even at low doses.

I would b interested to hear if anybody else has the same experience with gear taking effect quicker than others cuz I'm kinda confused about others' delayed response but I also feel kinda lucky with how well I respond each time.

And OP , u definitely need an AI. But don't stress about it too much yet. As long as you get some in the next week or 2 you'll be fine IMO.

Hate to break it to you, but as a TRT patient - I know for a fact that serum levels require 4 weeks or more to build and as such is how docs pull labs. This is with Watson brand testosterone cypionate from my friendly neighborhood CVS. In fact, I use this to my advantage when I want to blast on higher doses and know roughly when to drop back down for a doctor prescribed panel.

The mind is a powerful thing, and placebo is a proven medical enigma. Unless of course you're referring to propionate or esterless testosterone like TNE or suspension. Before someone comments on how testosterone has a peak value roughly 48 hours post injection, this is discounting the fact that we use esterfied forms (usually) of the hormone.

Don't take my post as disrespect please, I just like to keep the broscience at a minimum when I can. I'd dig up some spreadsheets I made awhile ago for illustrative purposes, but I'm on my phone. :(
If he is going to run tren shoukldn't he use Exemestane (Aromasin ) as and AI?

Educating myself for a future cycle and this seems to be the prefered AI for a 19NOR compound is that right?
Yeah , Ive heard similar before but still disagree.
My experience tells me otherwise I'm afraid.
This is why I found this topic a little interesting.
Thanks for your opinion though :)
If he is going to run tren shoukldn't he use Exemestane (Aromasin ) as and AI?

Educating myself for a future cycle and this seems to be the prefered AI for a 19NOR compound is that right?
It doesn't matter which AI to be honest. There are a few issues with adex and some serms, but I have yet to see or hear of problems mixing it with a dopamine agonist like pramipexole.
Yeah , Ive heard similar before but still disagree.
My experience tells me otherwise I'm afraid.
This is why I found this topic a little interesting.
Thanks for your opinion though :)

There was a guy on here the other day that took 900iu of insulin and ended up little worse for wear. That mean by his experience insulin in INSANE doses is safe?

Sure, the human body is an amazing machine, and I've heard claims from not needing an AI for 3g of test/wk to adding a pound of lean mass the same day as the first pin. Do I think it's possible? Yes, I do. But it's not very probable.

Either way, I'm happy for you that you see great results, and even if placebo is involved - so what? Results are indeed results. :cool:
Matri8 you are wrong. This is science. For the blood serum levels to even reach past your natural recorded level would take more time then your even saying lol. It's impossible what you claim. Simply wrong. Maybe you had propionate and didn't know it? Or like half wit said "your mind". Placebo effect can be very powerful. So basically my point is this is not debatable or an agreeable or non agreeable discussion. It is fact plain and simple. I don't want newbies looking for quality info to read that which isn't true.
I'm currently on day 9 of my 500mg a week of test e cycle and 75mg of tren eod. (Not adding tren until day 14 of test e cycles also 10 weeks long) basically I've went from 6"3 215 pounds to 225 pounds. I have yet to notice any strength gains or any real extra energy on sets. I'm aware it's only day 9 but can anyone reassure me of whether or not the test is bunk? My diet is relatively clean and nothing has really changed other than I see face and stomach bloating already and maybe an extra rep on certain excercises if i'm lucky.

Also the test e i'm running is made by Lufsen Rx not sure if that's a good or bad thing. :p

does that test by Lufsen Rx have a white label with maybe red or burgundy print? I'm in canada and the shit I had was cypionate labelled but it was bunk.
Matri8 you are wrong. This is science. For the blood serum levels to even reach past your natural recorded level would take more time then your even saying lol. It's impossible what you claim. Simply wrong. Maybe you had propionate and didn't know it? Or like half wit said "your mind". Placebo effect can be very powerful. So basically my point is this is not debatable or an agreeable or non agreeable discussion. It is fact plain and simple. I don't want newbies looking for quality info to read that which isn't true.

Sorry but I think you're wrong. Maybe u just have bad experiences and wanna believe that everyone is slow from the starting gate cuz it makes u feel better. But to say that hormones are a one size fits all scenario is ignorant . Or maybe your genetics just suk.:laugh::laugh: So for you it isn't true. Ive seen guys at the gym who are on gear and they still look like pudgy shite. Even after 2 months on.
I'm sure most of what I initially feel after3 shots is water retention as well.
But I am speaking from my experience as I said and for someone sitting in his mom's basement like you to say someone is wrong about their personal experience is just sad. Good luck though.
Sorry but I think you're wrong. Maybe u just have bad experiences and wanna believe that everyone is slow from the starting gate cuz it makes u feel better. But to say that hormones are a one size fits all scenario is ignorant . Or maybe your genetics just suk.:laugh::laugh: So for you it isn't true. Ive seen guys at the gym who are on gear and they still look like pudgy shite. Even after 2 months on.
I'm sure most of what I initially feel after3 shots is water retention as well.
But I am speaking from my experience as I said and for someone sitting in his mom's basement like you to say someone is wrong about their personal experience is just sad. Good luck though.
dude....when it comes to esters, it IS one size fits all. Esters have a half life...enanthate is 5-7 days, cyp is slightly longer. This does not vary from person to person. this is a constant. it takes a certain amount of time for the hormone to be released from the ester and become active. it takes the same amount of time no matter who you are so to claim that you're seeing gains at 8 days is not possible. there is not enough active hormone in your body to put you at supraphysiologocal levels yet. theres no way it takes the average person 4-6 weeks to see results on test e or c and it takes you 8 days.
Sorry but I think you're wrong. Maybe u just have bad experiences and wanna believe that everyone is slow from the starting gate cuz it makes u feel better. But to say that hormones are a one size fits all scenario is ignorant . Or maybe your genetics just suk.:laugh::laugh: So for you it isn't true. Ive seen guys at the gym who are on gear and they still look like pudgy shite. Even after 2 months on.
I'm sure most of what I initially feel after3 shots is water retention as well.
But I am speaking from my experience as I said and for someone sitting in his mom's basement like you to say someone is wrong about their personal experience is just sad. Good luck though.

Easy solution: Next cycle, please get a blood panel a week in and post it up. The problem with feelings is that they are subjective and do not necessarily fit the qualitative data.

Again, I think it's fantastic that you feel great so early into a cycle - but telling others that they have subpar genetics because you somehow bypass the cleaving of an ester is just silliness. :wiggle: