Novedex xt on or off cycle?


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Got a bottle of novedex xt anti- aromatase by gaspari nutrition for free, wondering what i should do with it. For a pct i usually take formadrol and trib 650. im 6 weeks in my current cycle im running 10 weeks. so should i throw it in my cycle to decrease estrogen? or is that to late? Ive also heard its not strong enough to use as a post cycle therapy (pct). so just wondering what i should do with this bottle. input would be greatly appreciated, thanks
Got a bottle of novedex xt anti- aromatase by gaspari nutrition for free, wondering what i should do with it. For a pct i usually take formadrol and trib 650. im 6 weeks in my current cycle im running 10 weeks. so should i throw it in my cycle to decrease estrogen? or is that to late? Ive also heard its not strong enough to use as a post cycle therapy (pct). so just wondering what i should do with this bottle. input would be greatly appreciated, thanks

What cycle r u on. And novadex is a test booster and will not be strong enough to use alone on post cycle therapy (pct). What is ur pct?
What cycle r u on. And novadex is a test booster and will not be strong enough to use alone on post cycle therapy (pct). What is ur post cycle therapy (pct)?

Im runnin trenA 75mg EOD, EQ 400mg EW, cyp 500mg EW.

I no its a testbooster too but it also says ita an anti-aromatase. I read it wasnt strong enough either. so basically its useless? my post cycle therapy (pct) is in the post but, Formadrol and trib 650
Im runnin trenA 75mg EOD, EQ 400mg EW, cyp 500mg EW.

I no its a testbooster too but it also says ita an anti-aromatase. I read it wasnt strong enough either. so basically its useless? my pct is in the post but, Formadrol and trib 650

Yeah man u dont have a clear idea of what u r doing. U should use Toremifine for PCT not some otc product, SERM's r a must when using AAS
I understand that not many people have heard of those products. But the guy that I go to owns a nutrition center. He was a bodybuilder himself an deals with multiple pro bodybuilders. I have talked to him about other pcts an anti aromatase. He sells armidex, noval, clomid all that good shit. but yet tells me to use what im am using because its does the same shit as the other pcts. my father is very good friends with him also, trust me ive always wondered why he tells me to use these products but he stands by it and that it has the same effect. Ive used it twice an have kept 80% of my gains an have not had any sexual disfunctional problems. I appreciate your post tho man, im always here to learn more and to ask questions
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