Now available at the AF STORE- SESAPURE


Community Veteran
Ulter said:

SesaPURE is the highest purity extract of Sesame lignans available. Its high percentage of Sesamin and Episesamin provide the user with the benefits of strong PPAR-alpha agonism. These benefits include:

• Accelerated Fat loss
• Reduced Fat gain with calorie surplus (bulking or just overeating)
• Improved insulin sensitivity
• Increased mitochondrial activity
• Liver protection via hepatic fatty oxidation
• Decreased triglycerides
• Anti-inflammatory actions
• Lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol
• Raising HDL (good) cholesterol
• Increased vitamin E levels

$29.00 Introductory offer at The AF Store

This is a great product. Maybe one of the most useful to the people on this board.

are there interactions with niacin? i took 100mg of niacin this morning with breakfast and sesapure and i felt like i was going to catch on fire.
btw its hard to tell what does what since i am using way too many supps and drugs but after 5 drinks and mcdonalds last night i look pretty good today!
Warmachine said:
btw its hard to tell what does what since i am using way too many supps and drugs but after 5 drinks and mcdonalds last night i look pretty good today!

another benefit of sesapure (aside from reducing "damage" from excess calories) is that it increased production of aldehyde dehydrogenase (aldehydes are the toxic metabolites of alcohol). Increased aldehyde dehydrogenase means better and more rapid metabolism and excretion of these harmful metabolites.
My gf is using sesapure and Alcar. She's dropped like 10lbs. It's working well, even though I suspect she may be cheating on her diet sometimes :)
E-Swift25 said:
My gf is using sesapure and Alcar. She's dropped like 10lbs. It's working well, even though I suspect she may be cheating on her diet sometimes :)
That's great bro, thanks for posting her results.
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btw- stack very well with glucorell (sesapure's pparalpha agonism is very complentary to glucorells ppargamma modulation)
macro said:
most people run 2-4 caps per day

Hey macro, just got mine in today. Quick on the delievery as usual:) Do they need to be taken a certain time before each meal like Glucorell R, or just spaced out through the day?
JT190 said:
Hey macro, just got mine in today. Quick on the delievery as usual:) Do they need to be taken a certain time before each meal like Glucorell R, or just spaced out through the day?

just spaced through the day. Its reccomended that you take them with meals.