now i need help, bought some new shit....


Not Juice..Protein Shakes
alright guys, i just went to the vitamin shoppe today and bought N large and phosphagen HP and i need some advice on when to take the two.

for those of u who dont know...the N large is a wieght gainer and the Phosphagen is a creatine transport. so if you guys let me know good times to take them it will be great. like post and pre workouts etc.

and do you think i will get some good gaines off the two??

stats: 5' 11"
165 lbs
You will need to eat on top of all that. I would take the N-Large during the day and before bed (if you are not taking anything else then) and the creatine I would do either in the morning and then post workout...and even some people I know do pre and post...but at least 2 servings a day of it...
yea thats wut i was thinking, are you sure its a good idea to do it before bed tho? wont it turn into fat?
Depends...if you are already over weight and you are taking in a weight gainer..then yes..

if you are skinny and taking a weight gainer...not likely...

Someone can correct me if I am wrong, but you do most of your growing while you are asleep..

Everynight before bed I will take in some cottage cheese and maybe a half (1scoop) of protien powder...just think of it like this..

Lets say you sleep for 8 hours. That is 8 hours your body is starving...that would be like you waking up at 10 and not eating until 6. Would that make you feel good? I have noticed that when I started eating/drinking right before bed, I woke up much better and had more body was not was but not that bad.

Also, most people do not eat breakfast...thats a must! Just think, you get 8 hours of sleep, and then you dont eat until lunch time. That could be almost 12-14 hours that no food has entered your you think you are going to grow starving yourself? nope