"Find Out What Your Doody Says About You
Small, hard, round pellets:
Constipation possibly caused by eating too much dry food and not enough vegetables and raw food.
Pencil thin and ribbon-like:
A polyp or growth in your colon that narrows the passage for stool.
Glowing Red or Magenta:
Beets and other reddish foods often give off this color.
Really bad smelling:
Can be a cause of intestinal bacteria or eating too much animal protein that may be rotting in your intestinal tract.
Large and floating with greasy film on toilet water:
Mal-absorption - your digestive system is not absorbing the full nutrition of food.
Loose and watery, sometime with undigested foodstuffs:
Otherwise known as Diarrhea, which may be caused by a number of factors not limited to stress food poisoning, antibiotics, antacids or irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease.
Light Green:
You may be eating too much sugar, fruits or vegetables or not consuming enough grains or salt.
Pale of Clay-Colored:
Small amounts of bile may be being excreted, maybe a cause of gallbladder or liver problems.
Black, tarry and sticky:
Bleeding may be present in your upper digestive tract. The black color comes from digested blood cells.
Very dark Brown:
Too much red wine or salt as well as not enough vegetables in your diet can cause this color in your stool.
Alternating bouts of Diarrhea and Constipation:
Irritable bowel syndrome which can be aggravated by spices, sugar, alcohol, lack of fiber, irregular hours and chaotic relationships.
Bloody or Mucus-Covered:
Can be a sign of Hemorrhoids, Colitis, Crohn's disease or Colon Cancer. Red blood usually means the problem is located near the end of the digestive tract. "