Now im really worried. Please give insight on this


New member
I dunno who else to ask. Every time iv had a bowel movement for the last month, out with it came a TON of blood. This has got me very scared. Im only 20. Is this an Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) side effect? What could this be???
Damn bro, for the last month!!! Get yourself to a doctor and have it checked out!!! Any of us can only guess at what it could be, but you need to find out specifically what is wrong with you!!! Don't mess around with things like that bro!!!!!!! Let us know what happens!!!!!!
Yes......get to your doctor........, as Buff said, most here can only speculate what is wrong with you and you need some real medical advice.
I would have made an appointment after the first time that I saw blood in toilet. Go to the doctor immediately! This could be very serious.......
"Find Out What Your Doody Says About You

Small, hard, round pellets:
Constipation possibly caused by eating too much dry food and not enough vegetables and raw food.

Pencil thin and ribbon-like:
A polyp or growth in your colon that narrows the passage for stool.

Glowing Red or Magenta:
Beets and other reddish foods often give off this color.

Really bad smelling:
Can be a cause of intestinal bacteria or eating too much animal protein that may be rotting in your intestinal tract.

Large and floating with greasy film on toilet water:
Mal-absorption - your digestive system is not absorbing the full nutrition of food.

Loose and watery, sometime with undigested foodstuffs:
Otherwise known as Diarrhea, which may be caused by a number of factors not limited to stress food poisoning, antibiotics, antacids or irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease.

Light Green:
You may be eating too much sugar, fruits or vegetables or not consuming enough grains or salt.

Pale of Clay-Colored:
Small amounts of bile may be being excreted, maybe a cause of gallbladder or liver problems.

Black, tarry and sticky:
Bleeding may be present in your upper digestive tract. The black color comes from digested blood cells.

Very dark Brown:
Too much red wine or salt as well as not enough vegetables in your diet can cause this color in your stool.

Alternating bouts of Diarrhea and Constipation:
Irritable bowel syndrome which can be aggravated by spices, sugar, alcohol, lack of fiber, irregular hours and chaotic relationships.

Bloody or Mucus-Covered:
Can be a sign of Hemorrhoids, Colitis, Crohn's disease or Colon Cancer. Red blood usually means the problem is located near the end of the digestive tract. "
wayne and zeus said:
"Find Out What Your Doody Says About You

Small, hard, round pellets:
Constipation possibly caused by eating too much dry food and not enough vegetables and raw food.

Pencil thin and ribbon-like:
A polyp or growth in your colon that narrows the passage for stool.

Glowing Red or Magenta:
Beets and other reddish foods often give off this color.

Really bad smelling:
Can be a cause of intestinal bacteria or eating too much animal protein that may be rotting in your intestinal tract.

Large and floating with greasy film on toilet water:
Mal-absorption - your digestive system is not absorbing the full nutrition of food.

Loose and watery, sometime with undigested foodstuffs:
Otherwise known as Diarrhea, which may be caused by a number of factors not limited to stress food poisoning, antibiotics, antacids or irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease.

Light Green:
You may be eating too much sugar, fruits or vegetables or not consuming enough grains or salt.

Pale of Clay-Colored:
Small amounts of bile may be being excreted, maybe a cause of gallbladder or liver problems.

Black, tarry and sticky:
Bleeding may be present in your upper digestive tract. The black color comes from digested blood cells.

Very dark Brown:
Too much red wine or salt as well as not enough vegetables in your diet can cause this color in your stool.

Alternating bouts of Diarrhea and Constipation:
Irritable bowel syndrome which can be aggravated by spices, sugar, alcohol, lack of fiber, irregular hours and chaotic relationships.

Bloody or Mucus-Covered:
Can be a sign of Hemorrhoids, Colitis, Crohn's disease or Colon Cancer. Red blood usually means the problem is located near the end of the digestive tract. "

OK, that was pretty fuckin' disgusting, but informative!!!!!:p
Ibuprofin causes me to shit blood.

I have one of those "The Pill Book" that you see on the rack where you pick up prescriptions at the pharmacy. Under the heading "Cautions and Warnings", it states, "Ibuprofen may cause gastrointestinal (GI) tract bleeding, ulcers, and perforation".

I just know to avoid using ibuprofin.
This can be related to BP and very much CAN be the result of AAS. In my experiences both anadrol and dianabol have caused this effect in people. It comes from the rupturing in the bowels. If you are serious I highly recommend you go to the doctor immediately. By all means discontinue the use of AAS.
Gimp said:
What color is the blood? If it's bright and "normal color" then it's likely somekind of hemrhoids. If it's kind of black or "tar" like, then it's coming from somewhere higher in your GI system. Don't wait..go to the Doc's ASAP.

This is correct. Although if its bright and normal color, it could also just be a tear of your rectum. Once it tears, it takes a long time for it to heal up and not bleed after every time you shit.
BiggieSwolls said:
This is correct. Although if its bright and normal color, it could also just be a tear of your rectum. Once it tears, it takes a long time for it to heal up and not bleed after every time you shit.

Dont think its this one, im straight biggie lol. God this was embarrasing enough gettin the guts to come on here and ask for help. Thanx guys, il get an appt.
At your age, there's about a 95% cance that bright red blood per rectum is hemorrhoidal in nature. (and BTW, you don't have to be ass fucking to get a rectal fissure!) I don't think you have to stop Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) at this point.
Don't delay, because "just" hemorrhoids can cause a bleed out. One of my best friends, an OBGYN doc, had one bleed him acutely down to a hemoglobin of about 8! He was getting shocky on the way to the ER. You can never tell when one of those will cut loose.
Although they are NOT arterial, these dilated veins can bleed up a storm! See a doc, yesterday if possible!
buffdoc said:
(and BTW, you don't have to be ass fucking to get a rectal fissure!)

Thanks Doc. I didnt want anyone thinking that I play on Fantoms team after reading my post.

But I do know of a guy, a STRAIGHT guy, who for some reason tore his rectum a bit. He believes it was probably caused from a big log that he shit out to fast. For about a month afterwards, he said there would be bright red blood in the toilet every time he shit but after awhile, it did in fact go away. I think I remember him saying that he purposely didnt shit for a day and that seemed to fix him up. It gave the tear some real time to heal.
buffdoc said:
At your age, there's about a 95% cance that bright red blood per rectum is hemorrhoidal in nature. (and BTW, you don't have to be ass fucking to get a rectal fissure!)

LOL, I think they do have a bad rap. My colon/rectal surgeon said fissures are much more common than roids. Can be caused by straining, constipation, even frequent bowel movements and diarrhea. Higher BP would probably "help" too...
Deadlift said:
If I'm not mistaken this can be colen problems, but at 20?
When I was 10yrs old I had traces of blood in my stool and had to see a Doc right away. Turns out that I had a couple polyps in the rectum. I had to have surgery to remove them. And again when I was 12. I haven't had problems since ( I am 25 now) but my mom keeps telling me to go for a check up just to be sure. Polyps are "berry" looking growths on the colon and rectum walls that, if left alone, could become cancerous and cause more shit than just a little blood in your poo. So I would deffinitely agree with the rest of the fellas and get an appt ASAP, or go to emerge!