Now running Deca and Sustanon (Prev. Tren, Winny, Prop)


New member
I am currently taking Deca 300mg and Sustanon 300mg 2 x week. I change my stacks every 5 weeks, which I have heard is the best.

Next plan is EQ and Enanthate 2 x week for 5 weeks

Then - Masteron and Prop EOD for 5 weeks etc, etc

Any thoughts as to this plan. It has worked well for me in the past, but always open to input.
Uh, changing a stack in five weeks is not going to do you any good since some esters don't kick in until week three (test e, for example). You need to reconsider the five week thing because the minimum you should be on test or any other substance is eight weeks or more.
Run cycles of ten to twelve weeks. Don't switch the compounds up so much. IMO, anyway.
See the stickies for some decent basic cycling info.
If you were talking short esters, a switch wouldnt be horrible but long esters, switching them that often will only cause side effects and no gains your going to hold onto IMO. Long esters need to be ran at least 12 weeks in my books to see the full benefits.