NPP or DECA? And why???? Good and bad!

IRD here. NPP has a shorter ester. Measured aganist each other NPP is stronger than DECA on a mg per mg basis. The decanoate ester in DECA makes up more of the weight than does the prop ester for "NPP". For ex. ( just throwing #'s out ) 100mg of NPP might equal 90mg of Nandro vs 75mg of Nandro of DECA per Ml. Depending on the dose, Feq and duration the amt of aromatasition can be more drastic due to the long acting nature thus the higher level of active component in the blood. Conversely the NPP, being a shorter ester is "in and out" therefore the aromaticity is less. Which should lead to less estrogenic sides. But China Wall you are right. When the ester is "cleaved" the anabolic effect is identical.

Except that aromatization is caused by a spike, not steady-state values. The molecular weight is really not an issue at all considering we're talking hundreds of milligrams in blood concentration.

But then again, it's not the E2 sides I'd worry about when it comes to 19-nors either. ;) Not picking on you, just wanted to clarify. :)
Actually, the short esters should cause more bloat as water gain is due to aromatization - which comes from spikes in hormone levels. This is why short esters are injected more frequently, it keeps the spikes to a minimum. Long esters; especially decanoate, have a nice slow ramp up time, which also prevents spikes.

In the end though, they both (short and long) will reach approximately the same steady-state value - providing the same benefits and sides. Unless the injection frequency is really poor, like E7D or some nonsense with propionate.

I agree. Say you do things right, as in time doses perfectly with the half life of the compound, would it be easier to control the aromatisation with shorter esters? Excuse me if I'm wrong. I dose the different esters like they should be, enanthate every 3.5 days, prop eod, etc. But I'm just asking the question so others with less knowledge of esters can gain some understanding.
I agree. Say you do things right, as in time doses perfectly with the half life of the compound, would it be easier to control the aromatisation with shorter esters? Excuse me if I'm wrong. I dose the different esters like they should be, enanthate every 3.5 days, prop eod, etc. But I'm just asking the question so others with less knowledge of esters can gain some understanding.

It doesn't really matter as long as you understand proper injection frequency for the ester used. Propionate being anywhere from ED to EOD, enanthate/cypionate being E3.5D (7 is OK, but less than optimal), decanoate can be done in a similar fashion as E/C with a little more wiggle room, etc. Even then, some folks are less sensitive to hormonal fluctuations and can get by with even less conventional protocols like M-W-F dosing with short esters.

In the end, it still boils down to figuring out the proper AI dosing to keep estradiol at proper values. Proper timing can just reduce the amount needed, or in the case of TRT - altogether.

Hope that makes sense. :)
It doesn't really matter as long as you understand proper injection frequency for the ester used. Propionate being anywhere from ED to EOD, enanthate/cypionate being E3.5D (7 is OK, but less than optimal), decanoate can be done in a similar fashion as E/C with a little more wiggle room, etc. Even then, some folks are less sensitive to hormonal fluctuations and can get by with even less conventional protocols like M-W-F dosing with short esters.

In the end, it still boils down to figuring out the proper AI dosing to keep estradiol at proper values. Proper timing can just reduce the amount needed, or in the case of TRT - altogether.

Hope that makes sense. :)

Yep, makes total sense. Thanks for the info Halfwit. A friend of mine at gym uses 1.25g test-e a week and injects M/W/F with no sides. He doesnt use an AI either nor does he do bloods. I have tried talking to him about cycling safely, but he doesn't seem to care. You can lead a horse to water. But that's not related to this thread, so I won't go on about it
It doesn't really matter as long as you understand proper injection frequency for the ester used. Propionate being anywhere from ED to EOD, enanthate/cypionate being E3.5D (7 is OK, but less than optimal), decanoate can be done in a similar fashion as E/C with a little more wiggle room, etc. Even then, some folks are less sensitive to hormonal fluctuations and can get by with even less conventional protocols like M-W-F dosing with short esters.

So if one is taking Deca and Test-Cyp, they can be pinned the same day. Can they be done in the same needle, such as draw one, then draw the other, then inject? I just worry about drug interactions when creating a mixture.
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So if one is taking Deca and Test-Cyp, they can be pinned the same day. Can they be done in the same needle, such as draw one, then draw the other, then inject? I just worry about drug interactions when creating a mixture.

Absolutely. Just be sure to keep on top of sterility measures as it's quite easy to cross-contaminate vials.