Odds of getting legit Masteron


Board Sex Offender
I've read numerous threads and heard from lots of guys who say it's hard to find legit mast. What is the main effect you will notice with a dose of around 400mg, of good masteron. I plan on cutting out the tren soon and running test/mast for the last 3 weeks. At 500mg/400mg

I mean i dont know if there is a reason for that ... but id say if your source is legit .. it shouldnt be a problem . I have heard however that primobolen is very hard to get these days thats real from UGL's . Not sure if i believe that but the reason i saw in a video once is that its extremely expensive if u did find it and was something floating more around in the 80's 90's when it was legit . again something i heard . i dont stand by that
Hey Op, off subject but why bother cutting out the tren and going to mast? I havent done mast but isnt it sort of like Tren Lite?
I wouldnt run Mast any lower than 600 OP thats where it starts to do great things.

Mast can produce a dry grainy look similar to Tren provided BF is low enough. But it doesnt give you the roundness and fullness and that 'bodybuilder' type look that Tren does.

Mast is a fantastic compound but its not even in the same ballpark as Tren. The two together however really can be beat.
Hey Op, off subject but why bother cutting out the tren and going to mast? I havent done mast but isnt it sort of like Tren Lite?

I am already taking masteron at 400mg along with the tren. I'm thinking about cutting out the tren and upping the mast dose. I'm having hardly any sides from the tren but mostly want to get off for health reasons and since I'm not prepping for a show.

No, it's not really anything like tren as far as strength and size. It can bring out a dryness/hardness if your BF is low enough supposedly.

I wouldnt run Mast any lower than 600 OP thats where it starts to do great things.

Mast can produce a dry grainy look similar to Tren provided BF is low enough. But it doesnt give you the roundness and fullness and that 'bodybuilder' type look that Tren does.

Mast is a fantastic compound but its not even in the same ballpark as Tren. The two together however really can be beat.

If I completely cut out the tren I will be upping that mast dose. You believe 600 is what works best for you?
OP....mast is not a commonly faked steroid. It's not terribly expensive and there wouldn't be much to gain by substituting it for something else.

To address your tren/mast issue....IMO if you started with tren...stick with tren. The "tren look" is near impossible to maintain once you drop the tren. Mast will harden you up a bit, but honestly you'll be disappointed if you drop the tren for mast....even at a high dose. If you have a legitimate health concern, then yes obv drop the tren....but in that case I'd drop the whole cycle. I say, if you're not getting sides, and are staying healthy....stay on the tren train :)
Masteron enanthate USED to be counterfeited for some reason. Apparently China provides enough now, so there isn't a need. I agree with Schredder. 600mg/wk minimum; my skin feels different on masteron - likely due to increased sebaceous oil production. I also do notice greater separation in my shoulders/chest/tris/quads as it pulls water out from subq tissues.
Masteron enanthate USED to be counterfeited for some reason. Apparently China provides enough now, so there isn't a need. I agree with Schredder. 600mg/wk minimum; my skin feels different on masteron - likely due to increased sebaceous oil production. I also do notice greater separation in my shoulders/chest/tris/quads as it pulls water out from subq tissues.
Ya I notice the same thing. Mast does work at alightly higher BF, lets say 15. But lower than 10 and its just ridiculous.
OP....mast is not a commonly faked steroid. It's not terribly expensive and there wouldn't be much to gain by substituting it for something else.

To address your tren/mast issue....IMO if you started with tren...stick with tren. The "tren look" is near impossible to maintain once you drop the tren. Mast will harden you up a bit, but honestly you'll be disappointed if you drop the tren for mast....even at a high dose. If you have a legitimate health concern, then yes obv drop the tren....but in that case I'd drop the whole cycle. I say, if you're not getting sides, and are staying healthy....stay on the tren train :)

I agree the way you look on Tren does go away once Tren is stopped but it doesnt completely go away. Ive notice with Tren over any other compound you keep more of what you gained. Why? I dont know. But thats what Ive noticed for myself. Since Ive ran Tren i look completely different even when Im not on Tren.
I agree the way you look on Tren does go away once Tren is stopped but it doesnt completely go away. Ive notice with Tren over any other compound you keep more of what you gained. Why? I dont know. But thats what Ive noticed for myself. Since Ive ran Tren i look completely different even when Im not on Tren.

You guys are making me want to hop back on when I have Dr appointments coming up. :( Test/tren/mast/deca = deeeeelicious!
600 or higher yes. Why are you dropping the Tren may I ask?

Honestly now I'm contemplating just staying on it several more weeks. But my reasons for wanting to drop it were:

1. I'm not competing
2. Neurological reasons

Overall I have have very minimal sides, the only thing I've noticed that is negative is the indigestion at the beginning but now it's not even an issue.. Feel great, looking better everyday(its crazy), strength is thru the roof etc.. I feel like tren has one of the worst reputations yet in my experience has been anything but negative.

OP....mast is not a commonly faked steroid. It's not terribly expensive and there wouldn't be much to gain by substituting it for something else.

To address your tren/mast issue....IMO if you started with tren...stick with tren. The "tren look" is near impossible to maintain once you drop the tren. Mast will harden you up a bit, but honestly you'll be disappointed if you drop the tren for mast....even at a high dose. If you have a legitimate health concern, then yes obv drop the tren....but in that case I'd drop the whole cycle. I say, if you're not getting sides, and are staying healthy....stay on the tren train :)

Going to go get blood drawn tomorrow, and if all is well then I'm going to just stay on. The feeling on tren while in the gym is really indescribable.
Honestly now I'm contemplating just staying on it several more weeks. But my reasons for wanting to drop it were:

1. I'm not competing
2. Neurological reasons

Overall I have have very minimal sides, the only thing I've noticed that is negative is the indigestion at the beginning but now it's not even an issue.. Feel great, looking better everyday(its crazy), strength is thru the roof etc.. I feel like tren has one of the worst reputations yet in my experience has been anything but negative.

Going to go get blood drawn tomorrow, and if all is well then I'm going to just stay on. The feeling on tren while in the gym is really indescribable.

Ya it gives me crazy heartburn and indigestion from time to time as well, especially the further i get into it. If you drop it or not is up to you obviously. But if you already pretty lean i think youd be really amazed at what it does coupled with Masteron.

But ya nothing beats Tren. Stuff is ridiculous for sure.