Offseason to shredded: My journey over the years to awesome body


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My journey over the years to awesome body!!!

whats up everybody!

I am new here but i know forums and was here years ago when i just started out, learned at that time a lot and then went my own way.

I started out as a super light weight and with knowledge, good diet and quality AAS I worked my way up to (if i may say so myself) a awesome body

my stats are 35 yrs, 192cm, now around 98kg

here are some pics of me from when just starting out and then later on

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thanks man, i always strive not just for size but mostly for balance and a certain look. i guess more 80's look then todays slin monsters. ofcourse i use AAS, that goes without saying but for me quality of all steps and results are more important then just sheer mass.
Whats up BA maybe you can explain the importance of tren and real hgh to the guys here

hi man, good to see some familiar 'faces' so to speak

real GH is a story into itself and a VERY important one and tren is ofcourse a big part of a smart and effective arsenal for building a great body. now ofcourse diet and training need to be spot on too but this goes without saying and a person who doesnt have those 2 in order shouldnt even be using juice. so we can now talk on cycles etc without the need to every time say 'yes but diet is important too'. ofcourse it is and I take diet very seriously and do it to a T.

but ofcourse its always more interesting to talk about AAS and combos and what is best and quality etc.
I finally got ahold of serostim and i have used generics but people do not understand The difference. Generics are like test boosters compared to testosterone
I finally got ahold of serostim and i have used generics but people do not understand The difference. Generics are like test boosters compared to testosterone

completely so

i used some quality GH, pharma grade, before and this i hold as my beacon and normative point. i dont even bother with generics and whatever coloured bluetops, waste of my time and hope and effort and energy. the problem is finding good pharma grade quality BUT with a reasonable price which isnt 10+usd per IU which I and most simply cannot or wish not to afford
hi man, good to see some familiar 'faces' so to speak

real GH is a story into itself and a VERY important one and tren is ofcourse a big part of a smart and effective arsenal for building a great body. now ofcourse diet and training need to be spot on too but this goes without saying and a person who doesnt have those 2 in order shouldnt even be using juice. so we can now talk on cycles etc without the need to every time say 'yes but diet is important too'. ofcourse it is and I take diet very seriously and do it to a T.

but ofcourse its always more interesting to talk about AAS and combos and what is best and quality etc.

When your bulking,, and tired of eating , last thing you wanna do is talk about diet and more F'n carbs and protein .

I vote more AAS combos and stacks talk. 49er votes more 'Tren Talk' .. Catchy huh. Their you go niner, ' Tren Talk Tv with niner ' - you got your own show buddy
BA are you cool with us asking you questions in here? I am interested in your thoughts on using high deca and low test for a lean bulking run for around 6 months. I have gyno I am fighting with 60mg ralox ED. It was caused by test, hence the low test.

I am 6'1" 200lbs 9% right now and am going to be running 1g MORE than I've ever ran before. My goal here is to push my body as hard as possible with food, drugs and training for the next 6 months until I start prep for a MP show in spring 2016. Experimentation since I have the extra funds to up doses.

Here is what I want to run:

1,050mg deca
700mg tren (350mg ace, 350mg e)
350mg mast prop
315mg test cyp

all pinned EOD

60mg ralox ED
aromasin as needed

Curious about your thoughts on this. Some say tren is too high to grow, some say test too low to grow. But I know high deca low test works for many. I expect to stay dry (with good diet), gain lots of mass and strength, and keep my bodyfat sub 11-12%
BA are you cool with us asking you questions in here? I am interested in your thoughts on using high deca and low test for a lean bulking run for around 6 months. I have gyno I am fighting with 60mg ralox ED. It was caused by test, hence the low test.

I am 6'1" 200lbs 9% right now and am going to be running 1g MORE than I've ever ran before. My goal here is to push my body as hard as possible with food, drugs and training for the next 6 months until I start prep for a MP show in spring 2016. Experimentation since I have the extra funds to up doses.

Here is what I want to run:

1,050mg deca
700mg tren (350mg ace, 350mg e)
350mg mast prop
315mg test cyp

all pinned EOD

60mg ralox ED
aromasin as needed

Curious about your thoughts on this. Some say tren is too high to grow, some say test too low to grow. But I know high deca low test works for many. I expect to stay dry (with good diet), gain lots of mass and strength, and keep my bodyfat sub 11-12%

yeah no problem, ask all and any questions you guys want

low test and HIH deca is a classic 80's, start of 90's lean bulk combo. BUT, the key is diet in this. see if you go high on carbs you will bloof up like nothing before SO the key is to do low to now carbs and HIGH in fats (keto style). this will keep the water low since there are no carbs and make your body SUPER sensitive to insulin. later on when you are ready to shred it up, switch to more DHT's like masteron and tren and THEN you can eat more carbs which will be much more efficient due to incredible slin sensitivity. this is a insane way to get big, polished and then shredded

now if you are using insulin and GH then ofcourse no or low carbs isnt an option but thats a whole another story

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What good primo can do, i before this pic never really tried primo but it blew my sucks away, literally. Polish to the max and just that old skool superb look

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I'm week 7 or so into a 22 week long cycle -- test, npp (to front load the deca), deca, dbol, proviron - to start the cycle for mass, then masteron and primo coming in at week 9-- but I just couldn't wait,, decided to start pinning the Primo today, so I pinned 2 ml earlier today.. impatient fellow that I am

I should just cruise on primo year round with my trt dose (thow some tren in of course),,last time I ran primo i felt great all around. if only 200mg/10ml was available for easier pinning (but prob painful as hell at that dosage)
I'm week 7 or so into a 22 week long cycle -- test, npp (to front load the deca), deca, dbol, proviron - to start the cycle for mass, then masteron and primo coming in at week 9-- but I just couldn't wait,, decided to start pinning the Primo today, so I pinned 2 ml earlier today.. impatient fellow that I am

I should just cruise on primo year round with my trt dose (thow some tren in of course),,last time I ran primo i felt great all around. if only 200mg/10ml was available for easier pinning (but prob painful as hell at that dosage)

yes i did that as well before, just some test and quality primo, nothing better needed for good old offseason. but i found that primo SHINES with cutting and its real power is shown tere, just superb stuff
yes i did that as well before, just some test and quality primo, nothing better needed for good old offseason. but i found that primo SHINES with cutting and its real power is shown tere, just superb stuff

yeah primo is definitely best going into a cut.. my cycle is 22 weeks,, the first 12 weeks is a bulk,, the last 10 weeks is a cut. . . I decided to jump on the primo early though,, that way it will be already rocking by time I get to cutting.

how long do you normally run primo for ?
yeah primo is definitely best going into a cut.. my cycle is 22 weeks,, the first 12 weeks is a bulk,, the last 10 weeks is a cut. . . I decided to jump on the primo early though,, that way it will be already rocking by time I get to cutting.

how long do you normally run primo for ?

i prefer running primo for longer periods, but lower dosage. i prefer this with most AAS except orals ofcourse (orals 4-5 week blasts with higher dosages)

12+ weeks and i start smiling