Oil based winny 100mg/ml anyone help with a good recipe!!


New member
Hey guys im a long time reader and first time user.

I'm wondering if anyone has a really good oil based recipe for Winstrol (winny) at 100mg/ml?
Been having a few issues on the ingredients to use, as mine is crashing. Should i use EO and or Guiacol???

Need help big time as im trying to do a big batch of 100g

The recipe above is for 50mg/ml. I'm not sure if the recipe would still work for 100mg/ml (by adding twice the amount of powder). If in doubt, you can always do a small trial brew, using 1g to make 10ml @ 100mg/ml and see if it holds.

Anyway, here is what the recipe would look like if the math is changed to make a 100mg/ml dosage:

Stanozolol powder - 1 gram
(to make a 10ml brew)

2% BA - 0.2mL
20% BB - 2mL
15% guaiacol - 1.5mL
15% EO - 1.5mL
GSO 50% - 4.5mL
By the way, in case you're wondering, I'm not sure why the GSO in the above recipe is listed at 50%... The math doesn't add up correctly:

GSO + EO + Guaiacol + BB + BA

50% + 15% + 15% + 20% + 2% = 102%
Sweet as man. I'll have a crack and see how it goes. If its all good then i'll try a big batch of 1000mls.

My mate reckons to dissolve the powder in the guaiacol first then add BA, BB and bring it to high heat then add rest of ingredients and filter med/ high heat. Then let it cool warm it up then re filter. Then heat pasturize it?? Thoughts?
Sweet as man. I'll have a crack and see how it goes. If its all good then i'll try a big batch of 1000mls.

My mate reckons to dissolve the powder in the guaiacol first then add BA, BB and bring it to high heat then add rest of ingredients and filter med/ high heat. Then let it cool warm it up then re filter. Then heat pasturize it?? Thoughts?

I have never had actual experience with winy, so I can't help much with the actual brewing techniques. Hopefully, some other members here who have done this brew can help you out.