Oily skin with dose/frequency change


New member
Hey fellas,

I keep TT between 700-800, E2 between 20-30. This is normally achieved via every day or EOD injections of test c with a total weekly dose of 70-90mg a week. I know... against the norm, its just what my Dr likes.

With that said - when I switch to twice a week, 40-50mg per injection, my skin gets extremely oily. When I touch the bench in the gym it leaves big oil marks, my hands are slippery, and I feel it around my eyes and it drives me absolutely insane. The added oil also kicks up small bouts of back acne. I went and got tested and the 50mg twice a week is putting me around the same TT/E2 so no change there.

As best as I can tell, this always happens when attempt to go to twice a week injections. Does this ever go away? I tried to do twice a week about 6 months ago and the oily skin had me off it in a few weeks. I'd stick with it if I had some hope!


**EDIT** My reason for even changing anything is I feel libido is a bit better when I do twice a week over ED/EOD
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How long have you been on this new protocol?

Oily skin, acne, etc is all caused by excessive sebum production, which is the result of fluctuations in test/e2/other HPTA related hormones.
To keep it simple, even though your overall levels are the same - you have different peaks/drop times due to the new protocol and that alone is enough of a fluctuation to cause the above issues.

It will go away if you stick with it, but I don't recommend cycling on/off with different protocols - pick one, stick with it and eventually it will all stabilise itself.
How long have you been on this new protocol?

Oily skin, acne, etc is all caused by excessive sebum production, which is the result of fluctuations in test/e2/other HPTA related hormones.
To keep it simple, even though your overall levels are the same - you have different peaks/drop times due to the new protocol and that alone is enough of a fluctuation to cause the above issues.

It will go away if you stick with it, but I don't recommend cycling on/off with different protocols - pick one, stick with it and eventually it will all stabilise itself.

i had to drop from 100mg twice a week to 60mg twice a week to keep myself from breaking out like a mofo..

ive never heard of someone with such low dosages having oily skin and acne..
If u can take 70-90 mg a week of Test and be between 700-800 TT...
All the power to you. That's great news.
Less drug needed to maintain quality of life.
i had to drop from 100mg twice a week to 60mg twice a week to keep myself from breaking out like a mofo..

ive never heard of someone with such low dosages having oily skin and acne..

Though dosing is important, I've always maintained the position that the actual fluctuations - going from high>low//low>high//changing injection frequency, etc - are also a major cause of temporary acne.

Anything that changes whatever your body considers to be a "hormonal balance" carries with it a risk of acne.
Its one of the reasons why I'm reluctant to recommend guys change anything related to their TRT protocols once they're fully dialled in.
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Though dosing is important, I've always maintained the position that the actual fluctuations - going from high>low//low>high//changing injection frequency, etc - are also a major cause of temporary acne.

Anything that changes whatever your body considers to be a "hormonal balance" carries with it a risk of acne.
Its one of the reasons why I'm reluctant to recommend guys change anything related to their TRT protocols once they're fully dialled in.

amen to that..

i go a drop over 120 i start to see acne.. esp with the sport that i do.. there is alot of uhh.. sweating going on lol
Appreciate all the input.

I guess curiosity gets the best of me sometimes and I wonder if other protocols are better. My libido hasn't been the best on EOD injections so I figured why not try what the majority of the TRT population does, twice a week.

I have only been doing it about two weeks now. Last time I tried I gave up after about a month as the oil was bothering me too much.

Guess I either wait it out to see what happens or revert back to old protocol.