OK. So I took more deca than I should have, and I shut down my HPTA


New member
I was resigned that it could be restarted, according to my Doctor and a person on another forum. UnfortunatelyI consultd with 2 docs to try and attempt a restart. It did not happen. MY gonads fired up to a TEST leve; of 464, but after a cessation of HCG, my level was 193. My doc now proposes Trilproelin (sp?)
Okay, any testoterone that is not natural is going to shut you down. Its the excess test that makes your body shut down natural production. When you have to much your body tells ur testies to stop making it. So to counter act it you take a post cycle therapy (pct). Trilproelin can be used as a post cycle therapy (pct) but it takes a lot longer to reboot ur test system. I would just do a standard Clomid post cycle therapy (pct). Or just stay on test.