Ok so quick question about ********


New member
When I was over seas I ran a long cycle of tren-e. It was my first cycle and I had phenomenal gains and mass. That was back in 2011-2012. I got lazy and quit got a little chuncky. I have started training again and am at a point where I want to run another cycle and get back close to where I was. I have some residual belly and thigh fat I'm trying to melt off but it's proving difficult. I want to run more tren but last time even with the therapy I was running I got some nipple leakage. It was my first time and I didn't do a ton of research or ask questions.. rookie mistake. I don't want to make that mistake again. Do you guys have any pointers for ******** to melt the stubborn fat that I can add with the tren? And also what should I be using as a blocker and a pct?


brother, tren is only for advance users, you need to learn how to cycle better since you are running into trouble now. and there is not a magic pill to melt any fat away, you have to put in the work and proper diet to get the results you want. read the beginner cycle sticky man.
Listen, I'll be respect full here. Have you ever heard of aerobics ? That is what burns fat. Yes it does with the leaning of diet. What don't you understand with that Simple Simon Ifo.

now at 66 yrs when I begin to put on just a little fat tissue around my waist I ride the stationary bike at the gym. This I do AFTER my workout. My system is going at a semi high rate of speed and I am already burning some calories so when I hope on the bike I don't have to start from zero so to speak. I put this in common language for you.

As said there is no magic pill to BURN FAT tissue.

Also as said is you should not be running Tren at your status. Did you run Test with it ?? important Q' if you read up you should know to run Test with everything. Also usually an AI with that to keep your E2 in check from the Test.

Much you need to know!
What are your complete stats:
Yes, stats please + AAS experience, what cycle this is for you. I'm assuming #2, but I don't like to assume anything. Did you get your blood work done yet?