On cycle high protien diet and HORRIBLE gas


New member
I eat 10 egg whites for b fast, whey, chicken through the day, etc. The gas from this diet is just terrable. I can clear a room the small is so bad.

My wife has dubbed it Satan's breath

I've tried bean o and gas x with out much success. Anyone have suggestions?
Welcome to being a bodybuilder. You shit 4 times a day and you have horrible, paint peeling farts. Embrace it. :)
Bottle it, maybe it will be declared a weapon of mass destruction and make you a ton of money. But seriously try Charcoal Tablets, it should alleviate the aroma.
Up your fiber intake, and add in some digestive enzymes. There is no need to have gas like that constantly. If you are getting it you either A. eating too much protein or B. not digesting your food properly.
I am on a high protien diet - I'm around 165 and eat ~265 of protien per day. I do eat veggies and other fiberous foods.

I'll check out the charcoal tabs.

And yes - pooping 2-4 times per day :)
I am on a high protien diet - I'm around 165 and eat ~265 of protien per day. I do eat veggies and other fiberous foods.

I'll check out the charcoal tabs.

And yes - pooping 2-4 times per day :)

Lower the protein and eat more fat. Sounds like you are trying to avoid carbs???
Do you need 10 eggs for breakfast?

eat a few slices of bread and butter with your eggs, get some fats and carbs in there... also if you just started/getting back on your diet for a specific goal , allow your body to adjust.. Try adding a spoon of baking soda to a class of water, this can help neutralize, especially if you add some probiotics..
Broccoli kills me. skin on potatoes kill me. whole grains kill me. My poor wife has had more destructive farts inhaled than I would wish on anyone.

Bottom line, you're going to have to start identifying what is bothering you. Remove it, or only use it in moderation.
I'm on 260 P / 150 C / 100 F. Eggs are easy to make in the AM. I'm still partially following the 3J carb cycling diet when I was his client.

I'm on cycle ( or at least I thought I was - see other thread) and am trying to lean bulk. Summer is right around the corner :)
I'm on 260 P / 150 C / 100 F. Eggs are easy to make in the AM. I'm still partially following the 3J carb cycling diet when I was his client.

I'm on cycle ( or at least I thought I was - see other thread) and am trying to lean bulk. Summer is right around the corner :)

Lower protein and increase carbs then.
also, here are some other tips and some have helped a little for me- when you make a boxer look at you and they get up off the couch and move you really know your shit stinks

water before you digest- 10-15 min before- 8 ozglass
sip the shakes dont gulp them down
another glass of water after at least 8 oz
proteins are derived from numerous sources, so maybe switching brands, the additives could be causing the problem

even with a switch and doing the above it may help but will not completely relieve you of your stinky situation. but at least the air wont be so polluted
Do you need 10 eggs for breakfast?

eat a few slices of bread and butter with your eggs, get some fats and carbs in there... also if you just started/getting back on your diet for a specific goal , allow your body to adjust.. Try adding a spoon of baking soda to a class of water, this can help neutralize, especially if you add some probiotics..

Add in some Greek yogurt. Before I did, my flatulence was out of control bad. My breakfast consists of a little granola cereal, 1 cup Greek nf yogurt and a handful of frozen berries. Like magic the smell went away. The yogurt has 22g protein 0 fat 10g carbs
Try adding a spoon of baking soda to a class of water, this can help neutralize, especially if you add some probiotics..

Add in some Greek yogurt. Before I did, my flatulence was out of control bad. My breakfast consists of a little granola cereal, 1 cup Greek nf yogurt and a handful of frozen berries. Like magic the smell went away. The yogurt has 22g protein 0 fat 10g carbs

Exactly... There's real magic here, balance if you will!, because the body already produced digestive enzyme, it can simply begin from chewing foods and such (stimulates during this process),as its mostly found in saliva, stomach acids, pancreas,and other body secretions, Probiotics on the other hand, are more heavily concentrated in the small and large intestines (where all this havoc is taking place)..With this said, Probiotics actually possess the capability of producing MANY different types of enzymes (yielding a state of balance). Whilst they use them primarily to degrade/brake down organic materials (animal protein in the OP's case) to use as their own food source, this additional source of enzymes is also of benefit to human health/digestion. Most food "macro-molecules" (such as fats, proteins, starches) require many/several different enzymes to completely break them down. Probiotics produce the correct "TEAMS" of enzymes to fully break down each food "polymer", or macro-molecule in to its essential building blocks so to speak...

Here is were the "shit" literally gets interesting... "digestive enzyme supplementation" is NOT always advisable/or suggested with an on an ongoing basis, probiotics on the other hand are "VERY SAFE" to use in the long term (Plus it's found in foods,diary such as yogurt/Greek yogurt/cottages cheese) . The adult body does not produce its own probiotics, so there's absolutely no risk of dependency when supplementing these. For this reason, probiotics yield a better approach, especially for long term..

However, on the other side of the fence DE's have been proven to provide and aid when using in conjunction with PB's, yielding Superior results.. Because there are so many similarities, yet 2 different functions, at the same time complimenting one an other..

People have to find what works best for them!
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Up your fiber intake, and add in some digestive enzymes. There is no need to have gas like that constantly. If you are getting it you either A. eating too much protein or B. not digesting your food properly.
agreed, but also C: a lactose issue. i would rec checking for an allergy there.