On cycle with grad school, good or bad idea??


New member
Hey guys,

I am getting ready to start my first cycle, but at the same time, I am making a career change and will be taking classes for grad school. Would being on cycle have any negative consequences such as mood shifts during cycle or pct?

I just want to make sure I have absolute mental clarity and wonder if I should hold off until summer. I am running test cyp for 10 weeks.

To put things in perspective, I am leaving my sales job and will be doing personal training while back in school which being on gear could get me some well needed additional clients.

30 yrs old
185 lbs
5' 9"
bf 14%
4 years lifting

I am looking to add mass.

@Moppy, I have seen posts in regards to lethargy and emotional ups and downs during pct.
Hey guys,

I am getting ready to start my first cycle, but at the same time, I am making a career change and will be taking classes for grad school. Would being on cycle have any negative consequences such as mood shifts during cycle or pct?

I just want to make sure I have absolute mental clarity and wonder if I should hold off until summer. I am running test cyp for 10 weeks.

To put things in perspective, I am leaving my sales job and will be doing personal training while back in school which being on gear could get me some well needed additional clients.


are you going to have enough time to put into the gym and food prep??? thats the real question. if not youre waisting your cycle..

i would personally hold off.. but thats up to you
I've always found it difficult to give my cycle and training 100% while taking on other significant challenges. If you can wait till summer, i'd do that. You'll be able to focus all your energy into training and the like.
I have never noticed an issue with mental performance, but on occasion I have been tired depending on exactly what I have been taking, so tiredness could be a minor effect but usually it is not so bad. Some people even claim less tiredness or lethargy while on gear. Emotional ups and downs have never been an issue for me, but I agree that some bros claim it can depending on what gear they are using. Overall I think that mental side effects with AAS are over-played. If anything I notice slightly better mental performance when I am on tren, as long as I have been sleeping well (which can be a problem with tren)

i agree with this i would do at minimum 12 weeks and probably just use test E. and along with what 3j said diet is going to be very important if you want to add mass. if you aren't able to get in enough calories and everything it will be hard to put on the muscle that the cycle could provide you. it can be done you just have to have the priority to train any time off and make sure to always have meals ready to eat. as for the mental side it never effected me when i was in a graduate program. i was able to do great still and made time to train and eat. didn't have a social life to speak of but its about priorities.
Iv been on a substantial dose of test for about the last ten months and there really isnt a point where i havent felt like a fucking king. Take into consideratiom thats not the case for everyone and i have the benefit of not having to come off. Although im a selfish mother fucker and base my life around training so i can put a lot into it. Although ill probably be living out of a garage one day, but oh well. As long as im huge. Jk, lol... ok, kinda not really.

Anyways, a simple cycle of test probably isnt going to effect you that badly. The only way i wouldnt recommend it is if you cant dedicate ample time to training and your meals. Because then its pointless. If you think youre good enough at multitasking then yah, id say maybe give it a shot granted your knowledge of aas is on par. One of the benefits i like is it greatly improves my confidence. You might just be able to bang a bunch of new broads out at school. Ya never know.
Thanks for all the great input and feedback. As for my meals, I love cooking and I always prepare meals in bulk for a few days ahead so eating enough is never an issue. I always count my caloric intake. The only thing I have to watch is making sure I increase my calories throughout the cycle, proportionate to my gains.

I suppose my biggest concern was lethargy, if applicable. I can always plan my days around training as I would never waste my first cycle or gear for that matter with a half ass routine and meal plan. I pack my big hiking bag with food like Im always on a damn picnic whether I am at work or wherever lol. Ive had my trial and error periods where I was not growing because not enough calories so I hate the idea of lifting for no reason if Im not going to feed my body correctly. With all that in check, I think I should be ok.

As for the 12 weeks, I purchased enough for the 10 weeks at 500mg and figured test cyp kicks in around week 6 that this should be ok for a first time. Should I run it 12 weeks @ 400mg instead?
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I'm on cycle as we speak while also getting my bachelor's of science degree in nursing...I find it has a positive impact on mental ability. I don't get burnt out studying and running around all day and it even makes me more focused. But as 3j mentioned you have to set aside time to eorkout and meal prep. Unless you are fortunate enough to get someone else to cook for you. If that's the case I am jealous
Now I can only speak for myself but running test only helps my focus. I feel foggy and less energetic when not on test I am a student at a university in Florida. I cannot speak for anyone else or any other steroid but test is great you can focus more in my opinion and have more energy.
we are all different o p but if you are stable so to speak in every day life....500 mg of test should not hinder your focus...make time for all the tail you ll be banging

there s always s that
you should be just fine on a simple test cycle. just keep your witts about you and youll do just fine. best of luck!
I know when i was in school the test helped me. I just felt better and focused great. It depends on the person, but i think you will be fine.
Lol @ tail banging... that would be my only issue.

I can't speak for PCT because I'm a TRT guy but I do know that test seems to help me focus, and extra (on top of TRT) seems to help even more.
lol theres always room for sex. My buddy told me to get a gf while on gear because Ill want to bang 24/7.

Thanks for the replies. I will log my cycle when time comes.
If u got only two 10cc jugs of test thinking u have enough for ten weeks, I doubt it. It's very difficult to get all 10cc's out of a jug. That's if its measured out properly by the manufacturer. There's always a lil waste...