I am banned!
Very true, also some powerlifters stupidly like to try and cycle their Test and Deca with no AI - bloating isn't an issue for them and some actually prefer the fact that their joints get more protection with high estrogen levels. What they don't like though is the 'deca-dick' sides that these issues bring.
yep, a lot of old school AAS ideas come from the power lifting background,, but heck, totally different then body building, power lifters can use elevated estrogen, bloat and water retention, higher blood pressure cause it all aids in bigger lifts.
Also where we get a lot of the ideas like 'Dbol' or 'Deca' are only for bulking or strength cycles. Because Dbol aromatizes like a mother F'er and spikes estrogen and water retention and up goes the scale, as well as the strength (great for a power lifter or an 'old school' bulk and get swole).. but a body builder knows that if he controls that estrogen with AI protocols and proper diet, he can use Dbol and deca for whatever he needs