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I been reading alot on all the different types of threads and it seems like most people take 4 different types in a 16 week peroid.
Can i just take d-bol with good effects?
D bol for 16 weeks would be very unkind to your liver. Not to mention, the gains would greatly diminish after around the 6-8th week.

If you wanna do a long 16 week cycle do something like test and eq.
I may have misunderstood what you were implying.

Yes you could take D bol by itself and make decent gains.

However, D bol by itself is not a very good choice IMO. A lot of the gains are due to water retention, which means you'll lose a lot post-cycle. Test and Dbol and now you're talking (cheap and effective), or if you want more solid gains exchange the Test for EQ with D bol the first four to five weeks.
Beast_19_301 said:
I been reading alot on all the different types of threads and it seems like most people take 4 different types in a 16 week peroid.
Can i just take d-bol with good effects?

These are also the people who have a few cycles under their belt. If you are interested in doing a cycle, use the search function and type "First cycle". There are alot of posts about 1st cycles from the last couple weeks.
D-ball only is not the safest thing to run, but if your only going to take one thing then that will give you the best results...........even after cycle.
If you are considering a first cycle, look at something like a single ester Test (Enanthate or Cypionate) @ 350 - 400 mg/week for 10 weeks.
Beast_19_301 said:
so d-bol is bad so i want too take a single ester Test (Enanthate or Cypionate)

It's not so much that's it's bad, but it is 17aa so it does affect your liver to some degree.

The point I was trying to make is that for a first cycle, you are way better off just using one thing, that way you will learn how your body responds. If you take more than one compound is that you have no idea which one did what to or for you. Get it ?

But before I go much further with this, you gotta tell us your age, stats (wt & ht), lifting experience and goals. That way we can help steer you in the right direction.
Deadlift said:
D-ball only is not the safest thing to run, but if your only going to take one thing then that will give you the best results...........even after cycle.

do you think dbal results in more permanent gains then a test only cycle?

just curious cause most people would not agree on this..

i think a great first cycle is test only
Deadlift said:
D-ball only is not the safest thing to run, but if your only going to take one thing then that will give you the best results...........even after cycle.

I don't agree with that either........, IMO..... "Test is Best"
StoneColdNTO said:
I don't agree with that either........, IMO..... "Test is Best"

I'm not saying a d-ball only cycle is great, but in the past I have ran them and they do work better then test only. I would compare gains of 50mg of d-ball a day to 1g of test a week, with the exclusion od susp., but even that is not equal on a mg to mg comparison. What I'm saying is d-ball will most likely yeild more results, but test is a better and safer drug. Also, it's not like you won't be gaining on 2cc's of enanthate a week. Whatever you choose just make sure you are prepared with ancilliries and post cycle recovery meds as well as have your diet and routine in check.
thats cool.. what did you do post cycle..

most people do say dbol only is not a good cycle but my brother inlaw did 2 dbol only cycles and kept like 30 lbs after both were said and done.. maybe it differs by person or by post cycle plans..
Judo Tom said:
thats cool.. what did you do post cycle..

most people do say dbol only is not a good cycle but my brother inlaw did 2 dbol only cycles and kept like 30 lbs after both were said and done.. maybe it differs by person or by post cycle plans..

I usaully always use a combo of clomid and nolva post-cycle.
i'm 19, 301, bf around 18-21%. this is just natural

My goal is too get stronger and lose weight. I do alot of cardio after every work out for 15-30min on low intensity. I have 3 years of lifting, i have a floor trainer degree, so i do know what i'm doing in the gym.
Beast_19_301 said:
so is their anything?

Yeah there is;

Rule No.1: No one under the age of 24 should use steroids.
Until the age of 24, your body is overflowing with testosterone and growth
hormone. If you can't make progress without drugs when you're still young, you
need to re-evaluate a few things -- mainly your training and your
supplementation. There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to progress on a
consistent basis without drugs. And if you can't, chances are you won't do much
better with drugs. Steroids will also close the growth plates of long bones so if
you haven't reached full height, steroids may prevent further skeletal
development, not to mention, they'll be shutting down your hormonal system at a
time when it's reaching maturity. Don't mess with your reproductive system at this
point. You're going to need it.
as stonecold says at 19 you are allready a walking testosterone factory , train , eat , sleep , and dont party to much and you will grow