One last stack to stick with long term


I am banned!
If you could only pick a few compounds to have and could only have those compounds as your constant long term stack for the rest of your years training what would it be ?

Test / HGH / Insulin

muscle building, GROWTH, metabolism, staying anabolic and anti-catabolic no matter cutting or bulking, forcing nutrients into the muscles, completely synergistic (all 3 work together).. also, can be taken long term (unlike Tren, D-bol)

pure AAS, probably Test / Deca / Masteron. But the above would probably be more doable long term
I'll stick to three as you have.

Test / Deca / Growth

200mg/Test E3.5D
200mg/Deca E3.5D
3ius/HGH ED

Would look and feel amazing year round, pose little risk to health for most, keep bone/tendon/ligament/muscle tissues and matter tip top, and give enough potential for growth to keep anyone happy in their training endeavors.

If it was purely AAS based..

Test 200mg E3.5D
Deca 200mg E3.5D

Not sure I would add anything else based on my current knowledge. Maybe Tren A 25mg-50mg EOD.
I know nothing about slin or gh.....

But a long estered test, deca or npp and I like 7 or 14 day s m1t on then the same or double time off as it skews my liver by 8 then 16 percent after 7 or 14 day s proving it s toxicity.

HOWEVER, on day three or four on m1t I feel like I m crushing my steering wheel pulling in the gym. It s gives me the feeling of d bol s well being and the motivation of.....test x 10. Watch a video on utubage..they claim it s 19 more powerful as inj test. That s a tall order but I ll swear after 5-7 day s my strength taxes what little connective tissues ability to bear. Weighing 210 I benched my weight 20 time s last Nov on my shoulders fucked but.....