Open propionate vial exp.


I will have to open a 10ml propionate vial for one shot of 1,5ml and i will be gone for 4 weeks (28days).
When i look up how long an open vial last it says 28 days. Is it really that short? Would you use it after 28 days? Is there anyway to store it to last more?

My TRT doses are so small a vial of Test cyp at 200mg mL x 10mL
last 20 wks. When I started at 200mg wk it was10 weeks. At 80mg wk I dont know. 100mg wk itll last 20 wks.

I try to be as sanitary as possible. Bathrooms and kitchens are bad places to keep things. I always wash hands and touch nothing until I'm pulling out the gear.

I pull oit true goodies box and immediately alcohol wipe my chosen site and the top of the vial.

I split the syringe package and pull air into the syringe since the inside is sterile. Theoretically I'm pulling in sterile air. Leaving the syringe inside the package the entire time.

I grab the needle point and split the wrapper and then tale the syringe out of its wrapper and immediately put it on them pull out what I need.

I want every last drop of it so I pull in enough air to see the end of the syringe and know the needle point is empty.

I split the injection needle wrapper and immediately swap the needles and slowly push out the air but not out the needle.

I inject them I wipe the entire vial down with an alcohol wipe. I use the fingers I was holding the alcohol wipe with to hold the bottom of the vial and use my other hand to wipe/blot the top of the vial and it immediately goes back into the goodies box.
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