Opinions needed for 20 yr old


New member
20 yrs old
lifting about 1.5 years
178lbs cant gain a pound guessing a little over 10% bf

I have hit a plateau. Ive switched rutines and have had no gains for about 6 months. Benching 275 as max and fluctuates going down and a little up. Arms have been stuck at 15 in. What supplements might help me with this situation? Tried all different workout rutines such as pre-exhaustion sets, supersets, descending sets, negative reps, and cheating reps. Id like to be around 190lbs if possible. PLEASE HELP!!!! Thanks a lot. Greatly appreciated.

workout plan:
Monday: Biceps, forearms, abs
Tuesday:Chest, triceps
Wednesday: Shoulders, back, abs, forearms
Thursday: Legs, calves
Friday: Cardio, abs, forearms

Take protein shake twice a day, eating lots of meat, chicken, oatmeal, turkey, protein bars, etc.
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The answer to your problem is heavy squats and deadlifts, stick to the basic movements for a while and do not do any bicep curls or forearm movements--just the core movements hard and work out 3 to 4 times a week maximum. Eat more, drink more milk.