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It's clear that I have some gyno now, i figured I did and doc reassured me. I have clomid,cycle assist, m-lmg and epistane on hand. If I do decide to run the cycle what am I looking at with gyno. Should I be concerned of it worsening? I know all the signs of it getting irritated but this would be my first cycle while having it. Also I intend to get hcgenerate and forma stanzol. Should I run the stack or just take it easy and use the epistane alone. Heard the m-lmg is a little worse for gyno. If I missed anything please let me know so I don't do the same shit again. Real bummer having it and knowing if I would've educated myself first it would've be easily prevented. Also, what would be the best test for me to run post cycle therapy (pct)? Thanks guys
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I would omit the m-lmg as it could exacerbate your gyno. If you run test then have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand to mitigate estrogen conversion.
I would omit the m-lmg as it could exacerbate your gyno. If you run test then have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand to mitigate estrogen conversion.

Won't be running any actual test, I'm just wondering if I should need a test booster or just a natty test since ill be running only the epistane. I figured I'd throw out the m-lmg. If and only if I get the gyno gone/reduced or removed surgically will I run stronger compounds. And Aromatase inhibitor (AI), I'm trying to get nolva or arimisin, maybe both to make sure.
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You need letro man...it will get rid of the gyno. if you do use an PH use epi and at least 8 pumps of forma stanzol ED (4am, 4pm). the forma will keep estrogen/progesterone down and will stop flare ups. but getting rid of the gyno before hand is a much better idea.

use letro for 2wks @ 2mg. the 1mg for 1wk, than .5mg for 1 more wk.....than switch over to forma stanzol or erase for a few more wks tapering off the AI's.

you will be gyno free than.
Not sure if you saw my previous posts but the gyno i have now came about a year ago after my last cycle of megaplex. If I run this will it help no less or am I too late? If its resolvable clear this up for me if you don't mind

Letro 2mg/1mg/.5mg for two weeks/ one week/ one week, then start the forma for say 2 weeks?
And Ill hold off any more ph until i resolve yhis.
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letro is going to be the only way to get rid of the gyno. you go hard on it at 2mg for a while (2wks) that should clear up the lump....it should decrease in size ED, bit by bit. than once you go to 1mg it should be pretty small. than one or two wks @ 1mg should make it disappear.

this is when you switch over to forma stanzol. letro is way to powerful to just stop its use. You need to taper it down and than switch to something light like forma or aromasin.

by switching over to a light Aromatase inhibitor (AI) you stop any estrogen rebound from happening. so its a smooth transition.

your joints will be hurting bad while on letro, your libido will suck and you wont make any gains in the gym. just an FYI....
I found letro worked better if i ran it .5mg day for a couple months, Everyone varies in response though so you have to try various dosing protocols.
See the shits bad for cholesterol, should I up cardio or take anything to offset it for those 4 weeks?
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progesterone gyno is different than regular gyno IIRC - it goes thru different pathways.

so m-lmg may or may not be a problem since it is a progestin(like deca and tren). though if it was me i probably wouldn't take the chance.
and you should always be doing general cardio or plyometrics IMO for general health benefits... your level of said exercise should vary depending on your current goals.