Oral Anabolic Steroid cycles

Hey i need some help?

im looking to build a little more mass. I'm talking about 10 pounds or little more while i cut my body fat. im really not sure how to go about it.

Ive been working out for a couple months now and i feel like ive reached my limit im not seeing the results i want.

what should i do ?
Im 6'2
weight 206

First off, wrong thread. Do some research on your own. If it's your first time, a simple test cycle (cyp or enanthate) with a post cycle therapy (pct) should be the first step. Good luck...
D-bol first cycle

Hey guys I'm 20 years old , and I have been gyming for about 6 months on serious training regiments , but have been excercising for about 1 year and 2 months now , I just started my d-bol cycle I only take 20mg a half an hour to 45 minutes before each session and none through the day , when is it the best time to take dbols and the most efficient usage of them concerning effective timing fo the full effects to kick in , and how do I take them orally , is it best to let them melt away under your tong or taken like any pills with a glass of water and is it effective to consume after sessions for extra support in your cycle?
Let's say i need to go on vacation for a month and i cannot bring syringes and my vials on me, what should i do...? oral steroids would be the only solution in that case...
I'm thinking of trying this for my next cycle

dbol 20
test e 250
EQ 300

Any idea how I should stack these ? Or should I just stick to the dbol and the Test E ? I'm 38 years old 175 lbs .
Sorry I don't know how to start my own post and this is kinda related to the topic at hand/
its spring and every day it seems like i read another ORAL ONLY thread on 1 board or another , dbol only appears to be the favorite sure fire method to look good for spring break.

1st off i would like to say that theres is nothing wrong with dbol , it definately has its place . the same goes for Anavar (var) , drol , halo , tbol , etc. .

heres the problem with oral only cycles . the average man needs 100-200 mg a week of injected test if hes on hormone replacement therapy . if you start using steroids your natural test will shut down , even on Anavar (var) so you will lose the benefit of the test when you cycle.that means you will have to take in that much steroids JUST TO BREAK EVEN.on top of that when you come of that oral / dbol you will be shut down and will take several weeks to recover so you will lose there as well.

thats not a problem on injectable cycles because you will be taking anywhere from 2-5 times as much hormones or more than your body naturally produces . YOU CAN NOT DO THAT USING JUST ORAL STEROIDS. the health effects of massive oral cycles make running them just plain stupid and dangerous.

Well, there's no need for me to comment.. cause I was going to say the same thing... it's pointless and risky.... YOU HAVE TO HAVE TESTOSTERONE...
I think that's how THEY justify it to themselves, but deep-down...I think it's fear of needles.
Actually, I was gonna go oral only for my first cycle, because I figured injecting would be something easy to get wrong, and that would require a lot of research. But, even doing the research that let me to believe oral only was a waste of time, exposed me to all the info I needed to feel confident about injecting...just by accident!

good post. Imo alot of people want to do oral only cycles because they are under the impression (from the media and their "uber steroid smart" friends) that injecting is way worse for your health and way more dangerous. Its just lack of education.
The ONLY oral cycle that had any affect on me was when I used dbol 50mg a day for 4 weeks, Then I took it down to 25mg per day with pct the last 2 weeks. I gained 30lb. Some water weight yes but at least 15 lbs over a months and a half lifting daily, heavy, and eating 5 main courses a day.

It was work but it was worth it
You need to start new thread on this. Discussion here is on oral only cycles. You definitely need more than a few months in the gym to reach your full genetic potential. You are just at a plateau and need to change your diet and work routine! Diet hard and train harder read the beginners Sticky's and do more research on what you are trying to do to your body!
What's the best kind of anadrol these days I used to love that to jump start my body after not lifting for a while