Oral Anabolic Steroid cycles


Community Veteran
its spring and every day it seems like i read another ORAL ONLY thread on 1 board or another , dbol only appears to be the favorite sure fire method to look good for spring break.

1st off i would like to say that theres is nothing wrong with dbol , it definately has its place . the same goes for Anavar (var) , drol , halo , tbol , etc. .

heres the problem with oral only cycles . the average man needs 100-200 mg a week of injected test if hes on hormone replacement therapy . if you start using steroids your natural test will shut down , even on Anavar (var) so you will lose the benefit of the test when you cycle.that means you will have to take in that much steroids JUST TO BREAK EVEN.on top of that when you come of that oral / dbol you will be shut down and will take several weeks to recover so you will lose there as well.

thats not a problem on injectable cycles because you will be taking anywhere from 2-5 times as much hormones or more than your body naturally produces . YOU CAN NOT DO THAT USING JUST ORAL STEROIDS. the health effects of massive oral cycles make running them just plain stupid and dangerous.
In my mind it just doesn't make physiologic sense from an endocrine standpoint. That being said, I tried doing the anavar only just to see how it would feel.

FELT LIKE SHIT. Lasted 10 days and said fuck that. Jumped on test and good to go. Never again amigo.

My feeling is that some people will convince themselves they had decent experience on an oral only because they were not experienced lifting or not experienced in general. It becomes important to differentiate between placebo effects and actual effects. This is hard to do without some experience, imo.

At this point I just am unable to see why anyone would want to do oral only. Yea you can find people posting somewhere that say they had great experience but given the physiologic issues why not run a test base??

There is no reason not to.

I've got to think that much of the oral only crowd are the guys that think a good spring training schedule consist of hitting the tanning bed 7 days a week, doing the pec deck and concentration curls only just to get "tone" while they watch reruns of jersey shore in their TapOut shirt sipping on NO explode and listening to diet advice from their bro who is NASA certified or whatever the fuck it is and really knows his shit.
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Agreed. Thank you for covering this. We aren't trying to say orals are worthless or shouldn't be used, but like everything else, it has it's place.
Retarded post.

Nothing wrong with oral only cycles.

Provide empirical evidence showing me "oral only" cycles are so bad?
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whats sad is that this isn't the first time, nor will it be the last time DADAWG has made a post like this.

this is what stickies should look like. of course not many read them so its moot. lol
In my mind it just doesn't make physiologic sense from an endocrine standpoint. That being said, I tried doing the anavar only just to see how it would feel.

FELT LIKE SHIT. Lasted 10 days and said fuck that. Jumped on test and good to go. Never again amigo.

My feeling is that some people will convince themselves they had decent experience on an oral only because they were not experienced lifting or not experienced in general. It becomes important to differentiate between placebo effects and actual effects. This is hard to do without some experience, imo.

At this point I just am unable to see why anyone would want to do oral only. Yea you can find people posting somewhere that say they had great experience but given the physiologic issues why not run a test base??

There is no reason not to.

I've got to think that much of the oral only crowd are the guys that think a good spring training schedule consist of hitting the tanning bed 7 days a week, doing the pec deck and concentration curls only just to get "tone" while they watch reruns of jersey shore in their TapOut shirt sipping on NO explode and listening to diet advice from their bro who is NASA certified or whatever the fuck it is and really knows his shit.

so true, so true.^^^^^....good post dawg hopefully the peeps that need to read this will......one of the biggest problems out there is that these young adults jump into aas with no clue. going off the advice of someone else with no clue who assures them this is how to roll.....unfortunatelly many will learn the hard way......
Great post, lol im glad i shrugged off the Dbol when i was 16 and watching my friends who never worked out a day in their lives take a magic pill that makes you jacked?

lolz i remember watching 2 buddys take dbol solo and doing pushups right after cause they are guna get huge :p
I had a few questions.. I have been searching the internet but am having trouble finding more information.
I will be taking dbol and stacking it with DD (double dragon)..
first question is, is that a good stack?
second question, i am taking the orals and will be doing the recomended 20-40 mg.. how many pills is that a day? DD is 2 a day so i split that through the day. an 8 hr space.
my third question is do you recommend me taking a liver protectore and taking nolvedex while on dbol? or should i take it during my post cycle?
My last question was, i was planning on taking Winstrol (winny) after my post cycle from dbol.. is that recomended?
I had a few questions.. I have been searching the internet but am having trouble finding more information.
I will be taking dbol and stacking it with DD (double dragon)..
first question is, is that a good stack?
second question, i am taking the orals and will be doing the recomended 20-40 mg.. how many pills is that a day? DD is 2 a day so i split that through the day. an 8 hr space.
my third question is do you recommend me taking a liver protectore and taking nolvedex while on dbol? or should i take it during my post cycle?
My last question was, i was planning on taking Winstrol (winny) after my post cycle from dbol.. is that recomended?

Are you asking how to take an oral only cycle in a thread that is specifically telling you why you should not take an oral only cycle?
Yes sir....I believe he is. Of all the places to post a question about an oral only cycle he chooses this thread. Not to mention all of those questions could be answered by doing a little research and reading forums (which he obviously didn't do).

BTW...great post Dawg.
good post. Imo alot of people want to do oral only cycles because they are under the impression (from the media and their "uber steroid smart" friends) that injecting is way worse for your health and way more dangerous. Its just lack of education.