Ordering overseas...

Eveything I have heard and seen have been ok, do not worry too much. Over there they know what is going on and are using special packaging and paper in the packages to help. If you have used the guy before then you are ok I think!
Risky but this whole fucking thing is risky...I have had little to no issues. I even had to go to the Post Office and sign for a package once...lol, I just 'bout shit my pants but sacked up and did it.
as long as the guys for real you will be ok.i have done this sometimes the mail man will bring it sometimes you got to go to the post office.there isnt much to worry about if customs catches it they just send you a letter no big deal.
Nobody can guarantee delivery. Most places boast close to near a 100% delivery success and I can say mine has been that good. You always run the risk of seizure but that's the nature of the beast. Roll the dice or do without.
dorian123 said:
make several small order, the smaller the less attraction :spank:

Depending on who you get it from, that's a good idea. With my source, no matter how big the order... they separate it anyways to avoid attraction and do a lot of other things that I will not mention. If you got a good source though, you are in pretty good shape. The odds are favorable for you to get your stuff if they package it discreetly.