Osta during PT?


New member
I got shoulder surgery a few weeks ago for a labral tear which happened during a sport. Prior to surgery, I had been lifting heavily and made some good gains. This surgery puts me out of the weight room for 3-4 months and I don't want to put on bad weight and/or lose the work I put in prior to injury. The thought of being out of the gym for that long kills me.

While I am doing PT I plan on doing HIIT cardio regularly, keeping my diet in check, and wanted your guys' thoughts on whether or not Osta would be beneficial to take while rehabbing?

After doing research it seems that it would keep me lean and actually help with recovery.

Let me know what you guys think...
I think tht maybe it would be a useful thing to take in your situation. I'm using it now during post cycle therapy (pct) and I'll be damned if this hasn't been my fastest time where I feel recovered. Am I actually recovered? Won't know that until blood work next week but I sure feel it.
Osta helped me stay lean and keep 99% of my strength during semester when I was on a SHITTY like SHITTY SHITTY SHITTY diet and workout but as soon as I dropped it I started slowly losing size, strength, and gain fat. Like while I was on it I gained very little fat and when I stacked it with des I was staying lean lean and when my diet was a tad bit better I noticed some fat loss and more muscles showing.

I used uniq for my osta and ergo for my des.
Sounds like a good idea then I appreciate the response. Also, do you guys know whether or not anyone has reported signs of gyno while taking it?
it will help you keep/ hold on to the muscle you already have very well.

I am actually cutting in post cycle therapy (pct) (dumb I know) while on 20mg of osta. Things are great, strength/muscle still there. BF dropping. on clomid + t boosters, libido fine.

Id do it for sure. Maybe even some peptides if are willing to pin. GHRP 2/CJC 1295 would be nice
So gymrat you're taking a natural test booster with the osta. I just ordered some osta-max and was wondering if I could take a natural test booster with it. I was looking at the P6 to take with it, but not sure if it's safe to take with it or not, or should I run it alone.
i wouldnt use p6 if you gave it to me for free.

Im using hcgenerate, its fine to take with a sarm or serm or both. its just a natural t booster.....idk why or where you see the harm in it?? Nothing in it will cause any ill effect.
Osta-gain is a great product! really good to have between cycles IMO.I'm not sure about how useful it is in post cycle therapy (pct). I feel so good while on it during PCT that I worry a bit. I'll report back soon when I have post PCT blood work done and let you guys know if I was able to recover while using it. If I did indeed recover while using it I will run it in my off time and also do blood work just before my Spring cycle.

I'm curious if it affects cholesterol, liver values etc