Osta rx from IML as bridge after PCT?


New member
Hey guys. Im running a six week cycle that is decently heavy. I have my pct lined up afterwards an i also have a bottle of osta rx. My question is, ive heard that it can be used as a nice bridge as long as you do not exceed 3 pills ED for 4 weeks. Is this a good idea for directly after PCT and will it need to be added to my cycle for an extended 4 weeks off since time on = time off?
Is it a "good" idea? Probably not, but can you do it safely? I say yes... I'd again do a smaller PCT set up afterwards though
Hey guys. Im running a six week cycle that is decently heavy. I have my pct lined up afterwards an i also have a bottle of osta rx. My question is, ive heard that it can be used as a nice bridge as long as you do not exceed 3 pills ED for 4 weeks. Is this a good idea for directly after PCT and will it need to be added to my cycle for an extended 4 weeks off since time on = time off?
I would not mess around with no-name companies like that. I've heard of this product and have not heard anything good about it or if it's even real osta. The price is just too low for it to be osta because there are costs involved in producing these chemicals. If the price seems too good to be true, then it probably is. If anything i'd run a reputable source like sarmssearch. they are a sponsor here and are known all around for their quality.

As far as running it as a bridge, i've heard of people doing it. While SARMS are only mildly supressive, i'd run a low dose clomid alongside it and that would be more than enough to counteract any possible suppression.

If you wanna give sarmssearch a try, use discount code SIZZLE30 for 30% off. You won't be disappointed. I've run them several times along with other brands, and the difference is night and day.
I personally wouldnt run anything suppressive at all immediately post pct. Id allow my hpta to normalize. You may not have to do the time on=time off but you should at least wait 8 weeks post pct, get blood work, make sure all has returned to normal with hpta, then if you wanna run osta ok maybe. Have a light pct ready for your osta cycle though as it is somewhat suppressive.