Osta versus Pro-Hormones and Pro steroids


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Which One Wins As The Best
Alternative To steroids?

Osta versus Pro-Hormones and Pro steroids

Which One Wins As The Best
Alternative To steroids?

When Pro-Hormones first hit the scene,
anticipation was high. But it didn’t take long before it became obvious
that these compounds were pretty weak in replicating the muscle
building effects of real steroids. And to make matters worse, they
carried most of the same negative side effects of steroids. That was not
a winning combination. Over the years there were (supposed)
improvements, one pretty much as bad as the next, until a new invention
hit the market – the designer steroid. These didn’t act as precursors
to anabolic and androgenic receptors, instead, they were actual steroids
that have been manipulated in a way that they were able to get in under
the wire of being classified as a controlled substance. They actually
worked pretty well. And they were the best legal alternative to
anabolic steroids to date. But times have changed.

Technically, Pro-hormones and
pro-steroids are no longer allowed to be sold but it wouldn’t take much
of a search to track some down. Many commercial health food stores
still carry a copious line of pro-hormones and their collective
imitators – all using various titles to manage staying commercially
available. Unfortunately, these products have one major drawback. Not
only are they as liver toxic as 17AA oral steroids, they’ve been shown
to be kidney toxic as well. These risks should not be understated.
Liver and kidney problems often go undetected until sever damage has
been inflicted. Still, to many who did not want to go the route of
dealing with the black market for steroids, they’re willing to take the
risk since were the only choice. Until now.

The latest addition to non-steroidal
muscle builders is SARMS but unlike Pro hormones or Pro steroids, they
aren’t an imitation of steroids -- they’re an improvement.
And they aren’t being promoted by amateur chemists and supplement
companies. Some of the top scientists and pharmaceutical companies are
working on getting this to the market. But it’s available NOW. (For
research purposes).

SARMS (Selective Androgen
Receptor Modulators ) are a unique class of androgen
receptor molecules. The intent is to have the same effects as steroids
but are much more “selective” in their action – similar to testosterone
but without the negative side effects, most notably prostate enlargement
and possible carcinoma. Another benefit is that no injection is
required. It comes in a non-toxic oral form that has a half-life of
between 2.6 and 23 hours(1). The
goal is to allow the customized response of entering muscle tissue that
are the target of the therapy which in return will respond as they would
to testosterone. Other tissues where undesirable side effects (such as
the prostate) are produced will not be affected(2). To add to the
benefits a new class of sarms called "Osta-gain" has shown to have
little to no effect on the hpta unlike pro hormones or designer
steroids. This means no post cycle therapy is needed after a cycle of
S-4 and potential life long complications are avoided(3). S-4 has also
shown little to no ability to convert to estrogen so gyno "a common
problem with pro hormones" is also avoided(4).

To many researchers, scientist,
pharmacologists and just about anyone familiar with anabolic
enhancement, this is obviously a huge leap in the area of
anabolic/androgenic enhancement. Whereas pro-hormones were sort-of
like steroids, in that they create a facsimile some of the effects,
SARMS delivers steroid-like results in a big way. Comparing SARMS to
pro-hormones is like comparing a 47” HD flat screen Television to a 12”
black and white TV with tubes. There’s just no way one isn’t light
years better than the other.(5) And everyone who has tried both would

Pro-Hormones and Pro-steroids are all
based on a flawed principle – attempted to act similarly to steroids,
yet avoid classification by altering some of the molecular structure.
That’s the problem. Once you alter a molecule chain, it changes
everything. And although some of the effects may remain, it’s
essentially a fraudulent version of what you’re attempting to replicate.
Pro hormones are actually discarded forms of steroids. The
pharmaceutical companies deemed them so inferior they abandoned the
technology. It was this same technology that was resurrected for no
other reason other than to get a drug on the market that could be sold
as a supplement. SARMS is the opposite. It isn’t an imitation. It’s
the next stage(6). Because Pro Hormones and designer steroids are made
to be "like steroids" or are in fact a steroid analog they pose the
problem of making WADA tested athletes test positive for steroids when
tested. Osta however does no such thing and to this date there is
no way to test for Osta-gain ether in a athletes blood or urine So a
athlete can safely take Osta without fear of testing hot for a wada
banned substance.

SARMS.were developed for the same reasons
as steroids – to prevent muscle wasting through increased nitrogen
retention. The main difference is that instead of using the old
technology on which all steroid are based, it incorporated state of the
art discoveries. The results were astonishing – so much so that
research has begun in the medical community in Europe and the results
have been extremely positive. Those more adventurous individuals have
already begun incorporating SARMS for muscle building purposes and
Hormone Replacement. And it looks as if SARMS is here to stay.

SARMS produces what many consider “high
quality” muscle. The gains are very solid, unlike the results from many
pro-hormones that are mostly water weight. SARMS also has the added
benefit of not being capable of aromatizing to estrogen(7).

It’s arguable that SARMS is actually
superior to pharmaceutical grade steroids. 50-100 ml a day will yield a
similar result to 25- 50ml of an oral steroid like turinabol, but
without the toxicity. Be that as it may, it’s evident that a cycle of
SARMS far superior to any pro-hormone or pro-steroid.

So there’s really no contest here. SARMS
blows away any Pro-hormone or OTC Pro-steroid on the market. One cycle
is all it‘ll take to convince you.

Guys i borrowed this from another forum so hurry up and read it...It has to be back by tonight...


1) resorption in rats. AAPS Pharm Sci. 2003;5 Abstract R6167.

9.Marhefka CA, Gao W, Chung K, Kim J, He Y, Yin D, Bohl C, Dalton JT,
Miller DD. Design, synthesis, and biological characterization of
metabolically stable selective androgen receptor modulators. Journal of
Medicinal Chemistry. 2003

2)Yin D, Gao W, Kearbey JD, Xu H, Chung K, He Y, Marhefka CA, Veverka
KA, Miller DD, Dalton JT. Pharmacodynamics of selective androgen
receptor modulators. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental
Therapeutics. 2003;304:1334–1340. [PubMed

3)Endocrinology. 2005 Nov;146(11):4887-97. Epub 2005 Aug 11.

Selective androgen receptor modulator treatment improves muscle strength
and body composition and prevents bone loss in orchidectomized rats.

Gao W, Reiser PJ, Coss CC, Phelps MA, Kearbey JD, Miller DD, Dalton JT.

Division of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy and Department of Oral
Biology, The Ohio State University, 500 West 12th Avenue, L. M. Parks
Hall, Room 242, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA

4)Pharmacokinetics of
in rats, a non-steroidal selective androgen receptor modulator

J. D. KEARBEY,† D. WU,† W. GAO,† D. D. MILLER,‡ and J. T. DALTON†*

†Division of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, The Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA.

‡Department of Pharmaceutics, Graduate Health Sciences Center, College
of Pharmacy, University of Tennessee, Memphis, TN 38163, USA

5)Selective androgen receptor modulator treatment improves muscle
strength and body composition and prevents bone loss in orchidectomized

Gao W, Reiser PJ, Coss CC, Phelps MA, Kearbey JD, Miller DD, Dalton JT.

Division of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy and Department of Oral
Biology, The Ohio State University, 500 West 12th Avenue, L. M. Parks
Hall, Room 242, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA

6)In vivo metabolism and final disposition of a novel nonsteroidal
androgen in rats and dogs.

Perera MA, Yin D, Wu D, Chan KK, Miller DD, Dalton J.

Division of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, The Ohio State
University, 500 West 12th Ave., Columbus, OH 43210, USA

7)Pharmacokinetics of
in rats, a non-steroidal selective androgen receptor modulator

J. D. KEARBEY,† D. WU,† W. GAO,† D. D. MILLER,‡ and J. T. DALTON†*

†Division of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, The Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA.

‡Department of Pharmaceutics, Graduate Health Sciences Center, College
of Pharmacy, University of Tennessee, Memphis, TN 38163, USA.
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We are the number 1 Supplier for OSTARINE.. AKA.. MK-2866

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Lower doses have show not to be suppressive in research subjects. Mind you that these dosages were 1mg and 3mg a day. High dosages have been untested or at least unpublished clinically.

I agree, My subject has ran 25mgs of osta-gain for up to 12 weeks and had nice gains while keeping libido and mass. Really like this product. God bless you. Minister.
Ostarine has been the answer for me to keep the gains coming strong in between cycles. Definitely some good stuff at 12-25mg
I agree, My subject has ran 25mgs of osta-gain for up to 12 weeks and had nice gains while keeping libido and mass. Really like this product. God bless you. Minister.

I was thinking of giving them 25ml on the next go round as well. They seem to love the sense of well being that comes with Osta also.
well thats kinda hard to say. Something like phera or super drol is hard to beat but then again osta could be ran forever to maintain gains.

I would say both because they help one another out
well thats kinda hard to say. Something like phera or super drol is hard to beat but then again osta could be ran forever to maintain gains.

I would say both because they help one another out

With the fact that osta-gain comes with zero sides its always a better choice:wavey:
With the fact that osta-gain comes with zero sides its always a better choice:wavey:

Ostarine is not without potential side effects, and to claim otherwise is misleading. I believe the main (only?) research done on humans showed that at 3 mg per day it suppressed testosterone and lowered HDL. Keep in mind that for research purposes it is typically run at 10-30 mg/day. Furthermore, I searched for before and after blood work by ostarine users, and the few results I was able to find also showed suppression of testosterone and lowered HDL.

I'm not saying it's horribly dangerous, but people should know what they're taking and the side effects it can have.

The selective androgen receptor modulator GTx-024 (enobosarm) improves lean body mass and physical function in healthy elderly men and postmenopausal women: results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II trial
Ostarine is not without potential side effects, and to claim otherwise is misleading. I believe the main (only?) research done on humans showed that at 3 mg per day it suppressed testosterone and lowered HDL. Keep in mind that for research purposes it is typically run at 10-30 mg/day. Furthermore, I searched for before and after blood work by ostarine users, and the few results I was able to find also showed suppression of testosterone and lowered HDL.

I'm not saying it's horribly dangerous, but people should know what they're taking and the side effects it can have.

The selective androgen receptor modulator GTx-024 (enobosarm) improves lean body mass and physical function in healthy elderly men and postmenopausal women: results of a double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II trial

Post a link of where it is shown to lower testosterone at 3mg a day please?
Post a link of where it is shown to lower testosterone at 3mg a day please?

Sure thing.


Also, the 2 examples of before and after blood work that I found before my own Ostarine experiment can be found by performing a Google search for:

6 Week Osta cycle final results w pics/bloods

Ostarine (MK-2866) Blood work baseline and blood work week after.

I would post a link, but I don't think that links to other forums are allowed.
With the fact that osta-gain comes with zero sides its always a better choice:wavey:

Osta - I used S4 in years past and could not stomach the vision problems.

I would be interested in some of the newer improved sarms.

Can you refer me to unbiased logs? Solo and combined w/hormones?

Hello Osta-Gain, I thinking about running a stack cycle in my test with my lab rats. What do you think I could stack of your products. Also my rats have been on a natural test booster, could your product be taken with this or should I stop them on the natural test booster. If so how long do I wait before I give them your product after stopping the test booster. How long should I run them on your cycle and how long do they have to wait between cycles. How much of each product should I give them each day. I'm new to the research and would love any and all info I could get on your product so I can place my order. Can it be shipped to the US. Thanks.
Some of these questions I can't answer as to how long etc. What I can suggest for your test animals is the Osta-max for test increase maybe even a OstaMax/GW combo. Also add in some peptides to push over the genetic barrier. A quick easy one is the IGF Des. If you are interested in spiking HGH levels try the CJC mod/GHRP either 2, 6 or even Ipa. For a first time I would suggest the Des you cant go wrong with the quick nice results from that product. Dont forget to pick up the sterile water on our site for a mixing solution. I keep getting pm's and emails everyone forgets to get it until it arrives lol Or place the order and forget to add it to the cart after purchase. No tap water please. We supply you with what you need. One stop shop. :naughty:
Hello Osta-Gain, I thinking about running a stack cycle in my test with my lab rats. What do you think I could stack of your products. Also my rats have been on a natural test booster, could your product be taken with this or should I stop them on the natural test booster. If so how long do I wait before I give them your product after stopping the test booster. How long should I run them on your cycle and how long do they have to wait between cycles. How much of each product should I give them each day. I'm new to the research and would love any and all info I could get on your product so I can place my order. Can it be shipped to the US. Thanks.