Ostarine Cut Cycle help


New member
Since march 5th I have been on a keto diet and running ostarine 25mg's daily. So far I have only lowered my body fat percentage by about 1% since starting. I have lost about 10 LBS as well, but that is mostly water weight from me cutting carbs.
I should note that I am doing cardio like crazy- I am walking 8 miles a day and doing weight training 3x a week.
My LBM is around 145 LBS and I am 195 LBS right now. my body fat is 27.2%, down from 28.2% when I first started. I eat about 1500 kcal a day as well.
I think the Osta is making it very difficult for me to lose weight, as I thought I would have lost at least 4% body fat by now (21 days later).
I remember in previous cut cycles when I would just to lots of HITT and weights (not running anything), I would lose body fat at a much faster rate (at least according to my Omron scale). I remember some one week I went from 20% down to 17.5%, even though by the end of the week I felt like shit.

Now I am doing low intensity (walking) long distance cardio daily (8 miles) and weights as well, yet the body fat isn't peeling off as I would expect it to.

Personally I am thinking of dropping osta and not completing my originally planned 8 week run. I will be running my clomid for 3 weeks at 25mg/day for PCT.
On the plus side, I should note that I am retaining my strength surprisingly well despite my low calorie diet and the amount of cardio I am doing daily.

Can you guys give me some advice on what I should do? or is slowed fat loss normal when running an anabolic? (even though its not an aas).
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Hey Gonzolo,

what about your Osta cycle ?

I was disappointed at the beginning but since 3 weeks, it begins to start !

I loose some fat without losing muscle (I even gain muscle I'm sure 'cause my waist is decreasing though my weight doen't increse/decrease)
s4 is much better for cutting. osta is still dam good tho. osta is more of a re comp deal, s4 is for cuts&hardness.

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