Ostarine cycle advice


New member
Hey all,

Been researching like crazy for the past month about sarms and I think it's time I bit the bullet. Im trying to bulk, so here's my plan:

Ostarine (mk-2866) for 5 weeks


.25 mg ED

2-3 caps before meal with 60+ grams of carbs

4 caps ED for 5 weeks while on ost


10mg ED for 3 weeks

Calories will be 350-400 above maintainance

What are your thoughts? Any advice etc

Do I stop the HCGenerate and a-dex when I start the pct? From my research I do but I'm just making sure

Will start a log when everything arrives (haven't ordered yet)
Ostarine is SHIT. HCGenerate is GARBAGE. It doesn't even have HCG in it. You've been researching boards with paid posters giving you shitty advice and pushing their shitty products. Just do a test cycle.
I bought the unique stuff. Ran it for 8 weeks at 25mg daily. I saw pretty good results. Although my diet wasnt in the best shape until the last 2 weeks or so, i still saw decent gains. I ran horny goat weed the last 4 weeks on top of it. I did not run a pct, shame on me probably, but i did not see any sides at all. I could definitely tell when i stopped taking it because my stamina in the gym went to shit. Overall i had a pretty good experience with it
I bought the unique stuff. Ran it for 8 weeks at 25mg daily. I saw pretty good results. Although my diet wasnt in the best shape until the last 2 weeks or so, i still saw decent gains. I ran horny goat weed the last 4 weeks on top of it. I did not run a pct, shame on me probably, but i did not see any sides at all. I could definitely tell when i stopped taking it because my stamina in the gym went to shit. Overall i had a pretty good experience with it
Drop in stamina...no..we don't like that.
I was thinking about cycling osta with s-4
And seeing where I end up.
Yes, the drop in stamina sucked but i kept my strength gains. Hopefully the s4 will be good for you. Ive read some older reviews about people having trouble seeing at night after taking s4.
Ostarine is SHIT. HCGenerate is GARBAGE. It doesn't even have HCG in it. You've been researching boards with paid posters giving you shitty advice and pushing their shitty products. Just do a test cycle.

What company/dosage/how many weeks/any post cycle therapy (pct) ?
I know that HCGenerate has no HCG in it. What it does do is minimise or even reverse the suppression (not shutdown, otherwise HCG would be used) caused by the osta. Also @theblitz it sounds like you got some bunk sarms mate. Where'd you get it from? I think your allowed to post source for sarms, not sure

Anyone else have advice? Tips?