Ostarine Cycle advice


New member
Im about to start an ostarine cycle. It will be for 8 weeks dosed at 25mg ed. I have som forma on hand incase of any estrogen or libido issues. Should i include anything else such as hcgenerate or daa during or post cycle?
First off, this is the chemical study section - the conversion of raw materials. Your topic would fall under the category of natural and steroid alternatives. You should post in that section to get the views you are looking for.

Second, ostarine is not a steroid. It is a SARM. You do not need a PCT like nolva/clomid for this. 8 weeks is a long cycle though.
First off, this is the chemical study section - the conversion of raw materials. Your topic would fall under the category of natural and steroid alternatives. You should post in that section to get the views you are looking for.

Second, ostarine is not a steroid. It is a SARM. You do not need a post cycle therapy (pct) like nolva/clomid for this. 8 weeks is a long cycle though.

My mistake. Will repost now
I know it is not a steroid but it has slight suppression. Generally OTC products are reccemded for post cycle therapy (pct)