Ostarine( MK-2866 ) Log


New member
Hey Hey.

Wednesday 29th of May will be the start of my first ever cycle of SARM's (or anything for that matter).Being under the age of 25 I've decided to give AAS a miss for a few more years, tempting as it is my rat and myself have now decided its time to give Ostarine(MK-2866) a 6 week cycle.

After doing many hours ,(maybe days) of research a 6 week cycle of ostarine was ordered for my rat (Billy) from a reputable supplier. My rat explained to me he wanted to try loose some BF(currently 13%) as well as adding some lean mass(86kg). Ostarine seemed like the no nonsense approach to this.

Having a diet consisting of high protein and complex carbs with a cheat meal once a week my rat hopes to achiever some noticeable gains. A average meal plan looks a little something like this:

6 egg omelette with low fat cheddar cheese.
1 cup of oatmeal

300grams of chicken breast
1 large sweet potato

300grams of porterhouse steak
1 cup of brown rice

Whey protein shake with 500ml of milk

150 grams of cottage cheese
wholemeal biscuits

Post workout shake 4 - 5L of water a day

300grams of turkey mince /bolognaise sauce
1 large carrot
1/2 large sweet potato

can of flavoured tuna

100ml of egg whites/ 500ml of milk
casein protein powder

Ostarine will be as such:
Week 1 - 12.5mg( 3 days ) just to see how I react if all is well no headaches, vision issues will bump to 20mg for remainder of week.
Week 2 - 20mg ed
Week 3 - 25mg ed
Week 4 - 25mg ed
Week 5 - 25mg ed
Week 6 - 25mg ed

PCT is on hand , however I don't believe shut down or gyno will occur but rather be safe than sorry. Not using any AI's either.

My rats training package:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday ( two muscle groups per day)
first muscle group: 3 exercises 4 sets of each ( 5heavy reps, 8 reps, 12 reps)
Second muscle group: " "
minimal rest in-between those exercises

Wednesday, Friday
Kickboxing/Chinese sanda/ 1 Hour total.

Any comments would be much appreciated
12.5mg was taken this morning at 7.00 am
Taste like you no what... But gona have to put up with it .
Trained bisceps and triceps with 5 abs excersises at the end.

Weighed in at 86.9kg.
No obvious results as yet, no sides
12.5mg was taken this morning at 7.00 am
Taste like you no what... But gona have to put up with it .
Trained bisceps and triceps with 5 abs excersises at the end.

Weighed in at 86.9kg.
No obvious results as yet, no sides
12.5mg taken today at 5am.
Had a great workout tonight.... Be highly surprise if its kicking in at the doesage level im at and after only one day.
Food intake today was spot on , so probably has alot to do with it.
Bumping to 20mg tomorrow.
No sides, no noticible change.

Hazmat, preety sure i cant tell you were with forum rules... However google and 10 minutes reaserch is a 99.9% chance of an answer.
Bumped to 20mg this morning at 5am, the more you take the worst the taste.
Slight numb / tingley feeling under my tounge.... Preety common from what ive reaserched .
Pad work tonight was good, good focus/ strong cardio /
No sides to speak of .
20mg taken at 5am.
Trained tries and back tonight. Had a super good pump going, nothing out of the ordinary in strength.

Forearms were very vascular,even friends commented about them.
No side effects to speak of
20mg taken at 7am both days, nothing to really report as they were both rest days.
However can feel
My stomache is alot "tighter" so to speak.
No sides as yet, will go to 25mg ed from now on
25mg taken today at 7 am.
I cant say im seeing the diffrenece , however shirts are fitting tighter and forearms are becoming more and more vascular.
The pump in workouts is like doing a superset every set.
Stomache feels tighter, however looking at it there doesnt seem
To be much diffrence. Abs are definetly harder
Yes i am certainly trying.. However i have noticed since starting the cycle my eating has become harder and harder.
Just the intake , i never feel upto eating alot.But sticking with it.
25mg taken today at 5am.
Pad work was awesome, super focused and cardio was probably the best its ever been.
Good power in my kicks too.

Ever since ive dosed up around the 25mg mark, have felt super bloated.... Dont no if its a mental thing, but looking in the mirror id say its a fact .
25mg taken at 5 am. Still ridiculiously bad tasting.
However i weighed myself at the gym last night and was very surprised... 89.5kg!?
Now thats roughly 3kg in 10 or so days.... Ill be weighing myself again today.
Like ive said in previous posts, i do feel bloated... But maybe its the extra weight.
No sides yet
25mg taken the past two days at 5am.
Friday was pad work, good solid session good power and focus/cardio.
Saturday was rest day.
I weighed myself both days on a empty stomache at 88.1kg.
Still some weight there :).

Today wil be legs, 25mg taken at 7am.
Will post results of workout tonight
Leg work out was strong deinetly felt some good pump.
Still weighing in between 88-89kg"s.

Still taking 25mg ed in the morning as soon as i wake up.
Tonight"s workout was arms....... Tonight I curled more weight then gym partners who have always curled more than me, is it from ostarine, youd have to say yes.
Still feeling no side effects to speak of.