Ostarine suppression question


New member
Ok by now there is no question that ostarine is suppressive. I have bloods to prove it. My question is this: Hypothetically you have baseline testosterone of 700. You take osta for 8 weeks and your test is 400. If you continue to run osta will it continue to supress you further? or is there a certain level of supression that you will stay at? For example would 400 be the lowest your test would drop in this case or will you eventually get shut down? Any help would be apreciated.
i am in the right forum right? lol I was tempted to put it in the anabolic steroids forum because it would get more views but i dont want to break any rules.
Wait- are you saying your test went from 700 to 400? Osta only? It's suppressive yes but not THAT suppressive. What else were you taking?
Osta is mildly suppressive yes.

And to answer the OP's question: the longer you stay on anything suppressive, No Matter how suppressive it is, it'll continue to shut you down. That's kind of a given. But yes your levels will continue to drop the longer you're on. Again, a given.
Look at his thread in the main forum: he ran Osta during PCT and he was on AAS before. No wonder it's so suppressive.
Look at his thread in the main forum: he ran Osta during PCT and he was on AAS before. No wonder it's so suppressive.
i have also run it solo prior to any aas use. i felt like crap following my first osta cycle (no pct). bloods showed total test at 419. unfortunately i was stupid and did not get baseline bloods but i know i felt awful afterwords. I know it is possible that my test was low to begin with but i don't think that's the case.
i have also run it solo prior to any aas use. i felt like crap following my first osta cycle (no pct). bloods showed total test at 419. unfortunately i was stupid and did not get baseline bloods but i know i felt awful afterwords. I know it is possible that my test was low to begin with but i don't think that's the case.

The first time you ran Osta without PCT?
indeed. The thought three years ago was that osta isn't suppressive under 25mg so i ran 8 weeks at 15mg with no pct. At the time there was hardly any logs with bloodwork as osta was still new. It was just people saying that they felt fine after the cycle and so on...
indeed. The thought three years ago was that osta isn't suppressive under 25mg so i ran 8 weeks at 15mg with no pct. At the time there was hardly any logs with bloodwork as osta was still new. It was just people saying that they felt fine after the cycle and so on...

Damn, sorry bro. I'm not an expert, and you should definitely accumulate more knowledge, but have you thought about going on a few weeks worth of clomid and nolva by itself? You think that might regenerate your test?
Hcgenerate + clomid would be my first attempt getting back to normal. If that doesn't work you may need a doc.
Ran a double dose of Bridge which equaled the same amount of active ingredient as hcgenerate. also had pregnenolone and some other stuff in it to help test production. No clomid though. The Bridge had no effect at all. mybe clomid would make a difference?
Ran a double dose of Bridge which equaled the same amount of active ingredient as hcgenerate. also had pregnenolone and some other stuff in it to help test production. No clomid though. The Bridge had no effect at all. mybe clomid would make a difference?

Always use a SERM. Clomid or torem for 8 weeks and retest blood. It wi definetly help whilst your on it, the hope here is that when you come off it your levels will remain where they originally were.