Otualw Mcsule sucks anus.


New member
I was a member there, and all of the sudden, with very few post was ban. The reason not specified. WTF?

No one use the Otualw Mcsule boards. A buddy of mine just joined there as well, and for no reason he is ban too. I don't know why people even go there in the first place, seriously.

Every board I go to now, that I actually like, I will make a post similar to this one.
I got banned there a couple years ago for asking why some threads disappeared. That site is run by cock-loving trannies who suck dick for test. Don't waste your time over there.
I got banned there a couple years ago for asking why some threads disappeared. That site is run by cock-loving trannies who suck dick for test. Don't waste your time over there.

Oh hell no. Never again. I'm glad I didn't WASTE anymore time there than I already have.

They can suck on my big white sack.
it appears that your spelling sucks anus as well USAF. :D

Nah, its fine. I just figured that the ology wouldn't allow me to write the name in the forum, as others boards don't allow other board names in their forum.

Plus, as long as the first and last letter of the word are in their correct places, it is still able to be read. Hence the thread name.