What does your training look like? Gradual change is a good thing. Generally if you've been focusing on a lot of high rep/short rest work, you should gradually start shifting towards heavier, lower reps and longer rests, and vice-versa if you've recently been training heavy with longer rests. Also, changing up your exercises or at the very least making small changes in style, grip and stance of the movements you're using can make a BIG difference for the joints. Permanently replace exercises commonly accepted to be joint-unfriendly such as most Smith Machine movements, Decline Barbell Skull Crushers, Behind-the-neck anything, Close-grip Upright Rows, Quarter Squats, and Hack Machine Squats, if you need to. Sumo Deads and Sumo Squats are a no-no for some people's hips too.
As far as Glucosamine, it isn't supposed to act as a cover-up-treat-the-symptom-not-the-problem pain reliever like NSAID's. Glucosamine, Chondroitan, Gelatine, MSM, Calcium and fat-soluble Vitamin C all supplement joint materials that are _supposed to already be there_ to maintain joint health and help act as building blocks for supercompensation repair.