Overdose PCT aromasin and nolvadex extreme stomach pains and sickness after exercise


New member
I bought some deca Deca-Diboldazol 5 years and took 2 tablets a day for two weeks. I knew nothing of steroids at all being so stupid at the young age of 19 and thought i would grow bigger. In fact i instantly got a moon face which i mistook for fat for 5 years.

Anyway my problem is i just want to go back to normal and am now running pct aromasin/nolvaldex

I have been dosing 12.5mg aromasin ed. Nolvaldex 40mg for the first two weeks and now 20mgs ed which i bought from a reputable source.

I have been eating very healthy. keeping carbs very low. porridge for breakfast with soya milk and chicken throughout the day with some tomatoes and drinking lots of fizzy water every day. I have been supplementing daily milk thistle and fish oil.

During my three and half weeks on aromasin/nolvaldex i have felt fine and my moon face is going but still not back to normal. Now three and half weeks into the cycle I did some exercise yesterday for 5 hours and afterwards had an extreme pain in my stomach and wanted to be sick but wasn't. It did pass after an hour but again the next day i did exercise the next day for a short time and i could feel a slight pain in my stomach again.

I am very concerned as i don't know whether i am overdosing aromasin in the long term. I don't think i am as i overdosed taking 0.25mg one day during my second week and had to stay in bed all day because i had no energy and felt normal after lowering the dose back down to 12.5mg i felt ok.

Could i be potentially increasing my risk of cardiovascular diseases continuing 12.5mg ed? Do i lower the dosage to eod and if water still hasn't disappeared run the cycle for 6-10 weeks perhaps until bloat has gone? Surprised after three weeks that it hasn't dissappeared. Could i be running the risk of getting a stroke if i exercise and continue taking the dose i am on currently?

Could it be the nolvaldex that is causing the pain. I have heard on forums others have had pain from it but i find it very strange as to why it would take three and half weeks for me to get it during my pct?

What do i do??

I'd be very grateful for all your opinions.

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Well, to put it kindly, you really don't know what you're doing and you're the kind of asshole that gives steroids a bad name. Yes, that's kindly.

Now that that's out of the way,I'll tell you what i'd do. Drop the AI, run the tamox for another week and finish.

If you're having stomach problems, go to your doctor. You're messing with your health, and from the lack of research on your end, you'll continue to pay the price.
I'm kind of lost here. Moon face for 5 years?! Doing a PCT YEARS after the PH cycle?

Please remove that link from your post OP. That's a no-no here.

Can you please verify that we're dealing with something that happened 5 years ago, or if that's a typo?
nolvadex extreme bought from store is NOT NOLVADEX/ TAMOX... also whatever you took was not "deca" you see talked about. also using aas or prohoromones ( likely what you took) before age 25 can mess you up for life....
you dont have a clue what you are doing man...

get CLOMID and NOLVA and dont use AI (aromasin) during PCT.. its not PCT..

good luck
Wow... man looks like you've messed with things you have no idea about and just kept doing random stuff without really getting the information you need.. I hope the guys here can help you and you haven't done any permanent damage......

Not sure why fizzy water is relevant to this???

I hope you aren't thinking of doing MORE AAS after this experience.. at least not in the near future..

Good luck man..

PS. gimme some of that popcorn please 3J
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