Overweight but cycling Test + Clen + Proviron + Lipo6x


New member
Hi Guys.

Ok, I have been training on and off for 10+ years (gear free), but im currently become overweight due to an accident that kept me out inactive for a long time.
Now im back, and training, doing 1 hour lifting 6 x per week + 30 min cardio 6 x per week. Im eating clean, and have lost around 20 kg, but is getting stuck on a plateau currently, so i want to use some gear.
I already know the dangers, still being overweight can lead to bitch tits and so on.. That why im taking Proviron. Regarding being fat, im doing all the right things, and have always been in shape, i think my body just exploded and i became fat, because it got a chock when i suddently did no exercise and were in bed for a 3 month period, and my metabolism simply went straight through the floor and i gained fat just looking a steak.. Currently my bodyfat% is 29, and normally its around 16%. Im 6.3ft (188cm) and weight is 121 kilo. Normal weight is 95 kilo.
My reason for writing this is following..
I want to know your opinion because im using gear while being overweight ?
Hear all the time, its stupid, and you should never do that, because risk for heart failure, and aromatize is increased because you fat, steroids will make you even fatter, and so on..
Most of all this can be helped dramatically by proviron, weighloss pills, cardio, keep your eye on the prize (healthy body) and keep eating clean.
Many people are looking to do steroids when they are overweight, and yes its stupid to start a cycly if your not 100% on your A game, and eating burgers all day long!.
Im not a novice, so i believe i should be fine. What do you think ?..
I think, by increasing my musclemass on gear, while burning fat, i will slowly increase my natural metabolism and the fat will melt away, as long as im keeping up my routines..
Im seeing many people doing searches for this in google daily, so i hope they can find this text, and following good answers, and get some great advice ;-)

My cycle is

test cypionate 200mg every 5 days for 8 weeks
clenbuterol 50 mcg per day (30 days then 30 days off)
lipo6x (diet tabs) 2 x 2 daily
proviron 50mm per day the whole cycle
+ various vitamins, aminos and so on...
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Try a guy by the name 3J on here he can help you out with your diet because like you know your bf is way way to high you may also be at greater risks for other side effects that you aren't aware of due to your high bf like most guys here will tell you 80% diet 15% training 5% gear sounds like your putting in the time for training and such but in your shoes I would read up more on gear and get a professionals help recommend 3J for this you can find him on the diet forum that guy can help get your bf down cheers:beertoast
Try a guy by the name 3J on here he can help you out with your diet because like you know your bf is way way to high you may also be at greater risks for other side effects that you aren't aware of due to your high bf like most guys here will tell you 80% diet 15% training 5% gear sounds like your putting in the time for training and such but in your shoes I would read up more on gear and get a professionals help recommend 3J for this you can find him on the diet forum that guy can help get your bf down cheers:beertoast

Thank you for advice.
I have my diet under control. I am eating approx 1800 kcal per day, Only lean meat, veggies, and some carbs + 1 apple 30 minute before the gym.
I am more interested in peoples opinion regarding having a fairly high bf% while taking test cypionate.
Do you/other people thinks its stupid to use gear (in moderate amounts) even if i know exactly what im doing in regards of diet, and training..
Also in regards of side effects, yes i understand there are higher chance of some problems, but i feel as long as you keep everything in mind, and know what you should keep an eye out for, like blood pressure, and getting blood works done regulary, and the likes, then you should be fairly safe. (I think! In my humple opinion)
Hi Guys.

Ok, I have been training on and off for 10+ years (gear free), but im currently become overweight due to an accident that kept me out inactive for a long time.
Now im back, and training, doing 1 hour lifting 6 x per week + 30 min cardio 6 x per week. Im eating clean, and have lost around 20 kg, but is getting stuck on a plateau currently, so i want to use some gear.
I already know the dangers, still being overweight can lead to bitch tits and so on.. That why im taking Proviron. Regarding being fat, im doing all the right things, and have always been in shape, i think my body just exploded and i became fat, because it got a chock when i suddently did no exercise and were in bed for a 3 month period, and my metabolism simply went straight through the floor and i gained fat just looking a steak.. Currently my bodyfat% is 29, and normally its around 16%. Im 6.3ft (188cm) and weight is 121 kilo. Normal weight is 95 kilo.
My reason for writing this is following..
I want to know your opinion because im using gear while being overweight ?
Hear all the time, its stupid, and you should never do that, because risk for heart failure, and aromatize is increased because you fat, steroids will make you even fatter, and so on..
Most of all this can be helped dramatically by proviron, weighloss pills, cardio, keep your eye on the prize (healthy body) and keep eating clean.
Many people are looking to do steroids when they are overweight, and yes its stupid to start a cycly if your not 100% on your A game, and eating burgers all day long!.
Im not a novice, so i believe i should be fine. What do you think ?..
I think, by increasing my musclemass on gear, while burning fat, i will slowly increase my natural metabolism and the fat will melt away, as long as im keeping up my routines..
Im seeing many people doing searches for this in google daily, so i hope they can find this text, and following good answers, and get some great advice ;-)

My cycle is

test cypionate 200mg every 5 days for 8 weeks
clenbuterol 50 mg per day (30 days then 30 days off)
lipo6x (diet tabs) 2 x 2 daily
proviron 50mm per day the whole cycle
+ various vitamins, aminos and so on...

Clen you mean 50mcg not mg right. Also you might want to use abit more clen for it to be worth while, maybe 100mcg (work way up to) and cycle it 2 weeks on/off not 30days.
Clen you mean 50mcg not mg right. Also you might want to use abit more clen for it to be worth while, maybe 100mcg (work way up to) and cycle it 2 weeks on/off not 30days.

Yes correct about the clen. Sorry about that..
In regards to 2 weeks on/off cycle. I have been thinking about that, and figured that because its an extreme cutting cycle im going for, i should keep fairly low dose, but option to increase later after a few weeks, but keep taking a full month, to maximise the fatburn as long as possible during the cycle. After 1 month the get bloodwork done, and see where im at psycically, and fix possible problems with health regarding side effects from clen and test then..
U keep mentioning proviron like its going to be your savior amongst sides. Your wrong. Read this link

Thank you for link.. but.. Not really sure why you send me, other than to get some additional info on safe use of steroids for beginners.. There is nothing regarding proviron in the text as far i could see..

The reason i keep mentioning proviron in terms of side effects its because in comparisment to the levels of gear im using, the biggest problem i will possibly run into, is aromatize estrogen symptoms based on my high bodyfat%.
Proviron prevents the initial forming of estrogen, so basically removes the problem, in regards of estrogen.
So the savior of my cycle, yes. Savior of all side effects, most definitely not.

Thank you for advice.
I have my diet under control. I am eating approx 1800 kcal per day, Only lean meat, veggies, and some carbs + 1 apple 30 minute before the gym.
I am more interested in peoples opinion regarding having a fairly high bf% while taking test cypionate.
Do you/other people thinks its stupid to use gear (in moderate amounts) even if i know exactly what im doing in regards of diet, and training..
Also in regards of side effects, yes i understand there are higher chance of some problems, but i feel as long as you keep everything in mind, and know what you should keep an eye out for, like blood pressure, and getting blood works done regulary, and the likes, then you should be fairly safe. (I think! In my humple opinion)

which is exactly why you have stalled.. your a 270lb guy eating like a 145lb woman who is cutting..

your body has reached its limit and is in starvation mode... it will hold on to anything it can.. your metabolism is in the gutter
Hit up 3j, you can lose the fat without aas. Get back into the game, lose some bf and then if you still want to run gear you will get much better results.
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Hi Guys.

I know i didnt mention anyhting about it, but i started the gear 2 days before i started this thread. My thinking is, i can keep up this thread and can keep it going during my cycle.
Now 4 days in, i have already lost additional 1,5 kilo + my bodyfat is alrady dropped to 28% and i feel stronger than ever, so im fairly sure im spot on regarding my diet. If my diet was off (in regards to eating like a 145lbs woman, lol) i would have felt weaker, and not stronger over time (But i will kep it in mind as its important to eat well!).. Since this is the case, i have to say im fairly sure im currently doing it right. Please remember im not a bodybuilder, so i cant eat 3000+ calories per day, as i need my fat to be burned instead of the carbs i usually would be putting in my body. If i keep eating, then the only thing i would be burning of in the gym would be the food in my stomack.. Ok, i would get the afterburn, but still..
In a weeks time, i will see where im at, and adjust diet and training if needed.
Thank you all for great advice. I know, im not an expert or anything, but i really feel my body is responding now after i gave it a little kickstart with the anabolics.. So, we shall see ;-)
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what do you think is going to happen?? you think youre continually going to lose weight at 1800 calories?? your body will stall again... you will have to lower calories or increase activity to continue to lose weight..

then, at some point.. you are going to start eating like a normal human being again.. what do you think is going to happen then?? youre going to blow up..

but what do i know.. i only work with pro bodybuilders for a living.. lol
what do you think is going to happen?? you think youre continually going to lose weight at 1800 calories?? your body will stall again... you will have to lower calories or increase activity to continue to lose weight..

then, at some point.. you are going to start eating like a normal human being again.. what do you think is going to happen then?? youre going to blow up..

but what do i know.. i only work with pro bodybuilders for a living.. lol

Hi 3J

Please explain what you think should then..
In regards to calories, you think i should start eating more now, and then after my cycle, or later in the cycle, eat less to even out my metabolism because im not doing gear then and so on, because my metabolism should be lowered naturally for some reason? .. Or something like this.. Or exactly what do you think..
I dont want to come off, like a mr know it all. Im here to learn, and try new things (hence the being fat on roids idea), and everyone can benefit from each other in some ways, so please feel free to give some advice ;-)
My thinking is, in regards of the blowing up portion of your "speech", that from experience regarding my body, i have a good fast stable metabolism, as long as im in my normal weight range (95-100kilo) and i can pretty much eat, and do what i want without getting fat (Not at my current weight!), so im thinking, the additional muscle that i will put on during this 8 week cycle, and the large portion of fat i will throw away (i think i will be around 19-20% bf in 7 weeks and around 40% musclemass/current 37%), will increase my natural metabolism so i can back to normal as i were, less than a year ago.
In my normal life im eating healthy, (Here in Thailand they dont know how to make decent sweets ;-))
But hoping for some additional clarity based on your experience, as your the prof.
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well first off at your current bodyfat you are taking a major risk cycling in the first place... you are going to aromatize alot... your blood pressure is going to skyrocket.. you shouldn't have hopped on a cycle..

and yes, i would build you up to 2500 calories and keep you there.. that means putting weight back on for a little.. the cycle isn't going to help.. i promise you are going to start gaining weight just due to bloat on this cycle..
well first off at your current bodyfat you are taking a major risk cycling in the first place... you are going to aromatize alot... your blood pressure is going to skyrocket.. you shouldn't have hopped on a cycle..

and yes, i would build you up to 2500 calories and keep you there.. that means putting weight back on for a little.. the cycle isn't going to help.. i promise you are going to start gaining weight just due to bloat on this cycle..

Hi 3J

I am taking 100mg proviron now (just upgraded to 4 tabs from 2) because of the estrogen situation. That will help a lot in that regards.
Regarding my blood pressure, im actually alright. I have a good level of condition, stable blood pressure, and im not the "typical" fat guy you see in mcDonalds or where ever fat guys eat.. Im am into cardio, training, martial arts, and have been training all my life, so i have no problem with high blood pressure, high cholesterol or any other normal fat guy problems haha ;-)
These days i see my weight and bodyfat going down almost daily, as well as my strength going up. Its crazy. So im just going at it in the gym, making sure im not fucking anything up. Getting fat (additionally) is not an option!
If i feel and can see on the scale im getter fatter i will increase my cardio/lifting, and add more times in the gym than i already doing. I do understand however in that care im going to need additional food ;-)
A short update.

Tomorrow is time for my next shot of 200mg Test cyp.. And i have to mention, im feeling strong, diet is under control, i added a little more carbs in the morning, so im guessing my total intake of calories per day is approx 2000 now.
I have heard that i would become bloated and suffer from water retention.. This have thankfully not happened (yet)...
I will keep this running during my entire cycle, so stick around.. maybe you can get a laugh on my expence.. Maybe i can get a laugh on yours, in regards of the constant "Your going to end up like an elefant" comments ;-))
Hoping for the best, naturally..
Thank you very much ;-)

And now yuo mention 3J .. The good thing is, if i completely fuck up and end up looking like a walking mountain of fat, maybe i can hire him also haha:beertoast
ok.. Currently i have gained 1.5 kilo in 2-3 days. My bodyfat is gone back up 1%.. Thinking its the testoterone thats kicking in now, + the fact that i have added some additional carbs to my meals.. Maybe i need to only eat carbs in the morning..
To counter the current bf% increase, i will lenghten my cardio routine (Not harder, just longer!), and see how my body will react over the next days..
This is an interesting case. Keep posting for entire cycle.
I think 3J would be your best bang for buck, but I am rooting for you either way.
This is an interesting case. Keep posting for entire cycle.
I think 3J would be your best bang for buck, but I am rooting for you either way.

Thank you for your kinds words ;-) I defenitely will keep posting throughout my cycle.
I like the idea about using test cyp, to help with weight loss, while gaining a little muscle. I understand many people thinks its crazy, but every fiber in my being tells me that it is possible, because clenbuterol helps fat burn, and testoterone is building lean muscles thats increacing metabolism.. So.. Should be a fat burning machine.. As of now, all is pretty much on scedule, so .. Wish me luck ;-)
Now back to the gym, for my 2. training of the day.