Hi Guys.
Ok, I have been training on and off for 10+ years (gear free), but im currently become overweight due to an accident that kept me out inactive for a long time.
Now im back, and training, doing 1 hour lifting 6 x per week + 30 min cardio 6 x per week. Im eating clean, and have lost around 20 kg, but is getting stuck on a plateau currently, so i want to use some gear.
I already know the dangers, still being overweight can lead to bitch tits and so on.. That why im taking Proviron. Regarding being fat, im doing all the right things, and have always been in shape, i think my body just exploded and i became fat, because it got a chock when i suddently did no exercise and were in bed for a 3 month period, and my metabolism simply went straight through the floor and i gained fat just looking a steak.. Currently my bodyfat% is 29, and normally its around 16%. Im 6.3ft (188cm) and weight is 121 kilo. Normal weight is 95 kilo.
My reason for writing this is following..
I want to know your opinion because im using gear while being overweight ?
Hear all the time, its stupid, and you should never do that, because risk for heart failure, and aromatize is increased because you fat, steroids will make you even fatter, and so on..
Most of all this can be helped dramatically by proviron, weighloss pills, cardio, keep your eye on the prize (healthy body) and keep eating clean.
Many people are looking to do steroids when they are overweight, and yes its stupid to start a cycly if your not 100% on your A game, and eating burgers all day long!.
Im not a novice, so i believe i should be fine. What do you think ?..
I think, by increasing my musclemass on gear, while burning fat, i will slowly increase my natural metabolism and the fat will melt away, as long as im keeping up my routines..
Im seeing many people doing searches for this in google daily, so i hope they can find this text, and following good answers, and get some great advice ;-)
My cycle is
test cypionate 200mg every 5 days for 8 weeks
clenbuterol 50 mcg per day (30 days then 30 days off)
lipo6x (diet tabs) 2 x 2 daily
proviron 50mm per day the whole cycle
+ various vitamins, aminos and so on...
Ok, I have been training on and off for 10+ years (gear free), but im currently become overweight due to an accident that kept me out inactive for a long time.
Now im back, and training, doing 1 hour lifting 6 x per week + 30 min cardio 6 x per week. Im eating clean, and have lost around 20 kg, but is getting stuck on a plateau currently, so i want to use some gear.
I already know the dangers, still being overweight can lead to bitch tits and so on.. That why im taking Proviron. Regarding being fat, im doing all the right things, and have always been in shape, i think my body just exploded and i became fat, because it got a chock when i suddently did no exercise and were in bed for a 3 month period, and my metabolism simply went straight through the floor and i gained fat just looking a steak.. Currently my bodyfat% is 29, and normally its around 16%. Im 6.3ft (188cm) and weight is 121 kilo. Normal weight is 95 kilo.
My reason for writing this is following..
I want to know your opinion because im using gear while being overweight ?
Hear all the time, its stupid, and you should never do that, because risk for heart failure, and aromatize is increased because you fat, steroids will make you even fatter, and so on..
Most of all this can be helped dramatically by proviron, weighloss pills, cardio, keep your eye on the prize (healthy body) and keep eating clean.
Many people are looking to do steroids when they are overweight, and yes its stupid to start a cycly if your not 100% on your A game, and eating burgers all day long!.
Im not a novice, so i believe i should be fine. What do you think ?..
I think, by increasing my musclemass on gear, while burning fat, i will slowly increase my natural metabolism and the fat will melt away, as long as im keeping up my routines..
Im seeing many people doing searches for this in google daily, so i hope they can find this text, and following good answers, and get some great advice ;-)
My cycle is
test cypionate 200mg every 5 days for 8 weeks
clenbuterol 50 mcg per day (30 days then 30 days off)
lipo6x (diet tabs) 2 x 2 daily
proviron 50mm per day the whole cycle
+ various vitamins, aminos and so on...
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