Oxandrovar cycle looking for suggestions


New member
Hey guys,

I have two bottles of Oxandrovar lying around, bought them on sale before the ban hit. I am 37 years old 5"8 215 aprox 15-18% body fat.I am looking to lean up a bit and will be on a calorie deficit. I am on TRT 100mg/week of Test-E because of a botched vasectomy that resulted in a very bad case of Epididimytis that hospitalized me and screwed up one of my Testicles. I am planning to run the oxandrovar for 4 weeks. I have Olympus Labs Ar1macare pro for on cycle support as well as Cycle support 2.0 from AI sports nutrition. As far as PCT I have Olympus Labs Super PCT and I have armidex on hand as well if needed. Thats all i was going to run for a PCT because as I stated I am on TRT. If you guys have any suggestions on what i should add or if this looks good please feel free to critique.

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If you are on TRT, why not just run a blast with Testosterone? Up your dosage to 500mg/week. Increase your AI dose too accordingly.

As for PCT, that is not necessary. You don't have any natty T production left to recover. Your T all gets injected. Once your blast is done just go back to your TRT protocol.

I don't know the answer to this -- but do prohormones even work when your HPTA is shut down due to using exogenous testosterone? Hopefully someone can chime in on that.
If you are on TRT, why not just run a blast with Testosterone? Up your dosage to 500mg/week. Increase your AI dose too accordingly.

As for PCT, that is not necessary. You don't have any natty T production left to recover. Your T all gets injected. Once your blast is done just go back to your TRT protocol.

I don't know the answer to this -- but do prohormones even work when your HPTA is shut down due to using exogenous testosterone? Hopefully someone can chime in on that.

Thanks for the reply Megatron! I know i dont really need a PCt since i am on Trt, was just going to cover my bases because of the liver issues and BP issues with prohormones, also possible prolactin issues from the trenavar. I am thinking about just doubling my TRT dose to 200mg a week and using this Oxandrovar as a kickstart. I have done alot of reading that promotes using smaller doses as a first cycle rather than jumping straight to 400/500mg a week. Any thoughts on this?