Ozzyozzy21's Test P/Tren A/Var Cycle

Walking around like a 75 year old man. Daggum prop. Chest workout was great
Appetite sucks a little. Having trouble finishing my meals and just not that hungry every 3 hours like I used to be.

sounds like your making some progress.. its strange the prop/tren im running give me NO pip whatsoever i was soo suprised... but strango has always been pretty good about their oils..

today I did deads also and got 455x2 i was reallly happy
Week 4 2nd pin. Glutes are my fav pin spot. Used to be quads but his prop has felt so much better in the gluteus-Maximus. Didn't measure last week and measured this morning I've picked up 1/2 in on bicepts and 1/2 in on chest. Pretty excited about that. Bad news was stomach and waist are still the same. Started the cycle at 239 weighed 251 this morning (I'm sure a good but if that is water weight)
Just about to start week 5. Had to do about 20 min of foreplay with the ol lady before she was ready and when she finally was, I had a good half limp noodle going. Let's just say it didn't end well. She's crying bc she thinks is her I'm slinging stuff bc I'm pissed about not being able to get it up. Got some prami on hand if it will help with this just been putting off taking it bc of sides. Time to order cialis I guess
Just about to start week 5. Had to do about 20 min of foreplay with the ol lady before she was ready and when she finally was, I had a good half limp noodle going. Let's just say it didn't end well. She's crying bc she thinks is her I'm slinging stuff bc I'm pissed about not being able to get it up. Got some prami on hand if it will help with this just been putting off taking it bc of sides. Time to order cialis I guess

That sucks to hear. Might be a good time for bloodwork to see if anything shows up. I just ordered cialis from rui since they have the sale going on. Good time to jump on it
Already got my requisition papers printed. Headed to do that tomorrow. What am I looking for to know if I'm having prolactin issues? I know that e2 can cause but I really feel my e2 is fine.
Already got my requisition papers printed. Headed to do that tomorrow. What am I looking for to know if I'm having prolactin issues? I know that e2 can cause but I really feel my e2 is fine.

I don't believe there are many signs for elevated prolactin like there are for e2. I would say the ed is a possible sign because I felt thst way on deca and my e2 level was on the lower side. Of course lactating is the big one
I'm in. Thinking of running a similar cycle except Mast prop instead of Anavar (var). Very impressed with the strength gains. Hope you get the limp noodle adn e2 situation figured out man.
I'm in. Thinking of running a similar cycle except Mast prop instead of Anavar (var). Very impressed with the strength gains. Hope you get the limp noodle adn e2 situation figured out man.

About that-- everything is back to normal. Prami must have the prolactin down enough for the noodle to get back to work. Also have some cia30 from rui I'm doing some "research" with
How long have you been using the Prami? and at what dose? Have you had any sides yet?

Been on prami about 8 days. First 3 days did .25 since I've been to .5. Gonna stay there. Makes me sleepy initially but I sleep very lightly on it. Makes me wake up thinking about random stuff too. I get a slight gag feeling when I take it so w out meal it could easily make someone nauseous. I guess a benefit would be it makes me last longer in bed. Can go forever especially 2nd time.
1st pin week 6. Body is getting used to the prop I guess because pip FINALLY is no issue. Had a sick tren dream last night. Had something stuck between my teeth so I pulled and out comes one tooth, then my mouth starts filling up and next thing I know, I'm spitting out like 6 teeth. I was like this ain't real, looked in the mirror in the dream and I was like agh! It is real. Needless to say woke up went straight to the mirror. Crazy.
Also didn't take the prami as like an experiment. Sex lasted forever couple nights ago. Put the old moves on the wifey and since no prami, back to the normal 4-5 min. Lol.

Cliffs prami def makes you last longer in bed.
Also didn't take the prami as like an experiment. Sex lasted forever couple nights ago. Put the old moves on the wifey and since no prami, back to the normal 4-5 min. Lol.

Cliffs prami def makes you last longer in bed.

Yeah, but if your panting and sweating like a tren victim, maybe she only wants 4-5min? :)
I've decided to tweak the cycle and add t3 as soon as my ear thermometer comes in. Probably just start out at 75 and run that to the end of the cycle. Start the var next week. Strength is very noticeable. Chest workout Monday was:
250 x15 reps
280 x 8 reps
325 x 5 reps
280 x 8 reps
Getting a pretty good amount of comments on how big I am. Mostly, it's people who don't see me regularly. Have to give them the ol 6 meals a day speech with 40g of protein each meal. Of course they answer with "I eat good and I can't get that big" then I ask what do you eat for breakfast. They tell me all kinds of crap. Then I tell them I'm eating 1egg and 9 egg whites along with 4 peices of wheat toast. That usually blows them away and shuts them up. Sides wise, not experiencing anything negative. Sweat a little more. Occasionally have a crazy dream. Tad out of breath between sets during workout, but the gains are nice. Maybe have dropped 1% body fat. I have no way to measure that. Wish I did. Been keeping a measurement log once per week. I'll try to post that next
Tren cough strikes again. Pinned quad. Before I could even get finished, I started coughing. Coughed for about 10 min straight. Sucked bad.
Tren cough strikes again. Pinned quad. Before I could even get finished, I started coughing. Coughed for about 10 min straight. Sucked bad.

Read on another forum to have an alcohol swab hand for sniffing as soon as you feel the cough coming on. Sounds weird but apparently works like a charm!